![]() |
This is the complete list of members for od_istream, including all inherited members.
Abs enum value | od_stream | |
addErrMsgTo(BufferString &) const | od_stream | |
addErrMsgTo(uiString &) const | od_stream | |
addErrMsgTo(uiRetVal &) const | od_stream | |
atEOF() const | od_istream | |
close() | od_stream | |
Count typedef | od_stream | |
create(const char *, bool forread, BufferString &errmsg) | od_stream | static |
create(const char *, bool forread, uiString &errmsg) | od_stream | static |
End enum value | od_stream | |
endPosition() const | od_istream | |
errMsg() const | od_stream | |
errmsg_ | od_stream | mutableprotected |
fileName() const | od_stream | |
forRead() const | od_stream | |
forWrite() const | od_stream | |
get(char &) | od_istream | |
get(unsigned char &) | od_istream | |
get(short &) | od_istream | |
get(unsigned short &) | od_istream | |
get(int &) | od_istream | |
get(unsigned int &) | od_istream | |
get(int64_t &) | od_istream | |
get(uint64_t &) | od_istream | |
get(long &) | od_istream | |
get(unsigned long &) | od_istream | |
get(float &) | od_istream | |
get(double &) | od_istream | |
get(BufferString &bs, bool allowgotonextline=true) | od_istream | inline |
get(IOPar &) | od_istream | |
get(SeparString &) | od_istream | |
get(CompoundKey &) | od_istream | |
get(char *) | od_istream | |
get(FixedString &) | od_istream | |
get(void *) | od_istream | |
getAll(BufferString &) | od_istream | |
getBin(void *, Count nrbytes) | od_istream | |
getBin(T &) | od_istream | inline |
getC(char *, int sz, int maxnrchar) | od_istream | |
getC(char *, int maxnrchar) | od_istream | |
getLine(BufferString &, bool *newline_found=0) | od_istream | |
getWord(BufferString &, bool allowgotonextline=true) | od_istream | |
ignore(Count) | od_istream | |
isBad() const | od_stream | |
isLocal() const | od_stream | |
isOK() const | od_stream | |
lastNrBytesRead() const | od_istream | |
mine_ | od_stream | protected |
noclose_ | od_stream | protected |
noStdStreamPErrMsg() const | od_stream | protected |
nullStream() | od_istream | static |
od_istream() | od_istream | inline |
od_istream(const char *fnm) | od_istream | inline |
od_istream(const FilePath &fp) | od_istream | inline |
od_istream(const OS::MachineCommand &mc, const char *workdir=nullptr) | od_istream | inline |
od_istream(std::istream *s) | od_istream | inline |
od_istream(std::istream &s) | od_istream | inline |
od_istream(const od_istream &)=delete | od_istream | |
od_istream(od_istream &&) | od_istream | |
od_stream() | od_stream | protected |
od_stream(const char *, bool, bool editmode=false) | od_stream | protected |
od_stream(const FilePath &, bool, bool editmode=false) | od_stream | protected |
od_stream(const OS::MachineCommand &, const char *workdir, bool editmode=false) | od_stream | protected |
od_stream(std::ostream *) | od_stream | protected |
od_stream(std::ostream &) | od_stream | protected |
od_stream(std::istream *) | od_stream | protected |
od_stream(std::istream &) | od_stream | protected |
open(const char *) | od_istream | |
operator=(const od_istream &)=delete | od_istream | |
operator=(od_istream &&) | od_istream | |
od_stream::operator=(const od_stream &)=delete | od_stream | protected |
peek() const | od_istream | |
Pos typedef | od_stream | |
position() const | od_stream | |
Ref enum name | od_stream | |
Rel enum value | od_stream | |
reOpen() | od_istream | |
sd_ | od_stream | protected |
setFileName(const char *) | od_stream | |
setFromCommand(const OS::MachineCommand &, const char *workdir, bool editmode) | od_stream | private |
setNoClose(bool yn=true) | od_stream | inline |
setPosition(Pos, Ref r=Abs) | od_stream | |
setReadPosition(Pos, Ref r=Abs) | od_istream | |
skipLine() | od_istream | |
skipUntil(char) | od_istream | |
skipWord() | od_istream | |
sStdErr() | od_stream | static |
sStdIO() | od_stream | static |
stdStream() | od_istream | |
streamData() | od_stream | inline |
streamData() const | od_stream | inline |
~od_stream() | od_stream | virtual |
Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2022