Installing OpendTect on Windows

OpendTect Pro and OpendTect Pro + Plugins (the commercial products) or OpendTect (the free version) together with Python packages, offline OpendTect and dGB Plugins documentation and Developer Tools can be installed via the OpendTect Installation Manager (OpendTect_Installer_win64.exe) or via an offline package.


Installation via Installation Manager

  1. The Installation Manager is available for download via the appropriate platform link on the download page of the dGB website.

    Figure: OpendTect download page

  2. The Installation Manager is a wizard to install/update the existing OpendTect (Latest / Previous) releases. The release type field is used to select the release that is needed to be installed/updated. The installer gives you the choices as seen below:

    Figure: OpendTect Installation Manager

  3. If it is a fresh installation then you may keep the proposed installation base directory or choose your own. If it is an update then select its installation base directory. To install commercial - and free products on the same system, the commercial and free products must be placed in separate installation folders, e.g. C:\Program Files\OpendTectFree and C:\Program Files\OpendTectPro. Now click Proceed.

    Please note: installing in C:\Program Files\OpendTect will require administrative rights. In case you want to prevent using the administrative rights then we suggest to install into a folder on which a normal user has permissions, e.g. into C:\Users\username\OpendTect

  4. Select the package type of OpendTect you want to install. Please note that this window will only popup when installing a fresh OpendTect or OpendTect Pro installation.

    Option OpendTect Pro will automatically select packages OpendTect Pro and Miniconda3. OpendTect Pro is the extended version of OpendTect.
    Option OpendTect Commercial will select all packages with exception that the lesser preferred Python package will not be automatically selected.
    Option OpendTect Free will automatically select OpendTect and Miniconda3. OpendTect is a free open source seismic interpretation system and software development platform.

    Documentation and Development Tools packages are not automatically selected. It is possible to add packages at a later time.

    To read more about OpendTect licensing, please refer to our webpage of licensing types.

    Figure: OpendTect Installer Package Selection window

  5. The OpendTect Installation Manager identifies the platform on which it is running. This information is then anonymized prior to it being sent to OpendTect. We use this anonymous data solely for the purpose of getting a picture of OpendTect usage and thus improving our support capabilities.

  6. The next window of the wizard is the OpendTect Package Manager. Multiple items can be toggled on or off by checking the boxes. Optionally, the relevant package combination could also be selected from the top list box.

    Figure: OpendTect Package Manager

  7. The installation manager will automatically recognize the previously installed version at the selected path and will prompt it in the Installed version field. To read more about a particular item in the list, select the item by clicking on it and read the description on to the right panel. For example, Machine Learning:

    Figure: Machine Learning information in right panel of OpendTect Installation Manager

  8. Please note: In order to get an out of the box experience with the Machine Learning plugin you should select the Python CUDA 11 (GPU) package for training on the Nvidia GPU. It is also possible to select the Python MKL (CPU), with Intel™ Math Kernel Library, environment for training on the CPU only. The base Miniconda3 Python environment will always be installed. More information about system requirements for Machine Learning are available.

  9. After selecting the packages for installation click on Proceed to start the installation. You will first get a window that downloads the files from the download server. After downloading the packages they will be unpacked to the installation path.

    Figure: Example of downloading files and archive unpacker windows

  10. If, for any reason, you should choose to abort the installation mid-download, you will see the following window appear:

    Figure: Stopped accessing

    This gives you various options, including increasing the time-out from its default setting, changing the download server or changing the Proxy settings. One thing that can be tried is temporarily (partly) disable the Windows firewall to find out whether that helps.

  11. The installation will finish with giving an overview of the installed packages. Here is an overview for the OpendTect Commercial installation:

    Figure: Overview of installed packages

  12. Only for OpendTect 6.6 and newer: After installation is finished the Manage Firewall Program Rule window appears. This window gives the possibility to add rules for a selection of OpendTect and Python executables to the Windows Firewall. For more information please see the Firewall rules and ports chapter.

    Please note that for adding rules to the firewall elevated rights are needed.

    Figure: Manage Firewall Program Rule

  13. To start OpendTect double click the desktop icon OpendTect 6.6.0 or the App OpendTect 6.6.0 from the Start menu. Alternatively one can browse into the installation directory and run od_main.exe from C:\Program Files\OpendTect\6.6.0\bin\win64\Release.

Installer logging

The installer logs to a logfile. If something goes wrong during installation please look into the following files: