:py:mod:`odpy.test_ioserv` ========================== .. py:module:: odpy.test_ioserv .. autoapi-nested-parse:: (C) dGB Beheer B.V.; (LICENSE) http://opendtect.org/OpendTect_license.txt AUTHOR : Bert DATE : Jan 2019 Module Summary ############### Provides a test server for binary data transfer via stdin and stdout The client has to put: - a 4-byte int holding the number of values - a block of floats Then the script will return: - the number of returned vals (always 2) - a block of floats (the avg and std of the values passed) This stops when the input nrvals < 0 Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: odpy.test_ioserv.dbg_pr odpy.test_ioserv.put_to_output odpy.test_ioserv.get_from_input odpy.test_ioserv.mk_int_bytes odpy.test_ioserv.get_int_from_bytes Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: odpy.test_ioserv.inpstrm odpy.test_ioserv.outstrm odpy.test_ioserv.outvals odpy.test_ioserv.data_read .. py:data:: inpstrm .. py:data:: outstrm .. py:function:: dbg_pr(what, val) .. py:function:: put_to_output(what) .. py:function:: get_from_input(nr) .. py:function:: mk_int_bytes(ival) .. py:function:: get_int_from_bytes(data_read) .. py:data:: outvals .. py:data:: data_read