
(C) dGB Beheer B.V.; (LICENSE) http://opendtect.org/OpendTect_license.txt AUTHOR : A. Huck DATE : Nov 2018

Pre-loads (part of) an HDF5 seismic dataset created by OpendTect, with sampling as:
sampling = {

‘Inline’: range(start,stop,step) ‘Crossline’: range(start,stop,step) ‘Z’: range(start,stop,step)


Mind that in python stop >= start+step, otherwise the range is empty! The entire sampling can be retrieve with odhdf5.getAttribInfo( filenm )[‘range’]

Module Contents


getAxes(sampling, dataarr)

preLoad(filenm, attribute=None, sampling=None, fillval=None)

odpy.volpreload.getAxes(sampling, dataarr)
odpy.volpreload.preLoad(filenm, attribute=None, sampling=None, fillval=None)