OpendTect-6_4  6.4
DataInterpreter< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for DataInterpreter< T >, including all inherited members.

create()DataInterpreter< T >static
create(const DataCharacteristics &, bool alsoifequal)DataInterpreter< T >static
create(const char *, bool alsoifequal)DataInterpreter< T >static
create(const IOPar &par, const char *key, bool alsoifequal)DataInterpreter< T >static
dataChar() const DataInterpreter< T >
dataChar() constDataInterpreter< T >
DataInterpreter(const DataCharacteristics &, bool ignoreendianness=false)DataInterpreter< T >
DataInterpreter(const DataInterpreter< T > &)DataInterpreter< T >
DataInterpreter(const DataCharacteristics &dc, bool ignend)DataInterpreter< T >
DataInterpreter(const DataInterpreter &di)DataInterpreter< T >
get(od_istream &) const DataInterpreter< T >
get(const DataInterpreter< T > *, od_istream &)DataInterpreter< T >static
get(const DataInterpreter< T > *, od_istream &, T &)DataInterpreter< T >static
get(const void *buf, od_int64 nr) const DataInterpreter< T >inline
get0(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >inlineprotected
getD(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getDswp(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getF(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getFIbm(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getFIbmswp(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getfnDataInterpreter< T >protected
GetFn typedefDataInterpreter< T >protected
getFswp(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getS1(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getS2(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getS2Ibm(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getS2Ibmswp(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getS2swp(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getS4(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getS4Ibm(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getS4Ibmswp(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getS4swp(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getS8(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getS8swp(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getU1(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getU2(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getU2swp(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getU4(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
getU4swp(const void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
isSUCompat() const DataInterpreter< T >inline
needSwap() const DataInterpreter< T >
needSwap() constDataInterpreter< T >
nrBytes() const DataInterpreter< T >
nrBytes() constDataInterpreter< T >
operator!=(const DataInterpreter &di) const DataInterpreter< T >inline
operator=(const DataInterpreter< T > &)DataInterpreter< T >
operator=(const DataCharacteristics &dc)DataInterpreter< T >inline
operator=(const DataInterpreter< mTheType > &di)DataInterpreter< T >
operator==(const DataInterpreter &di) const DataInterpreter< T >inline
put(void *buf, od_int64 nr, T t) const DataInterpreter< T >inline
put0(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >inlineprotected
putD(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putDswp(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putF(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putFIbm(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putFIbmswp(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
PutFn typedefDataInterpreter< T >protected
putfnDataInterpreter< T >protected
putFswp(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putS1(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putS2(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putS2Ibm(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putS2Ibmswp(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putS2swp(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putS4(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putS4Ibm(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putS4Ibmswp(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putS4swp(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putS8(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putS8swp(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putU1(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putU2(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putU2swp(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putU4(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
putU4swp(void *, od_int64, T) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
set(const DataCharacteristics &, bool ignoreendianness=false)DataInterpreter< T >
set(const DataCharacteristics &dc, bool ignend)DataInterpreter< T >
swap(void *buf, od_int64 bufsz_in_elements) const DataInterpreter< T >inline
swap0(void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >inlineprotected
swap2(void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
swap4(void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
swap8(void *, od_int64) const DataInterpreter< T >protected
SwapFn typedefDataInterpreter< T >protected
swpfnDataInterpreter< T >protected
swpSwap()DataInterpreter< T >protected
swpSwap()DataInterpreter< T >protected

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019