OpendTect-6_4  6.4
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NAttribSemblance Attribute
 NCmdDriveCommand Drive
 NColTabColor Table
 NConvTemplate based type conversion
 NDBGDefines a generic interface for supplying debug/runtime info
 NEMEarth Model objects like horizons, faults, fault-sticks and bodies
 NFileInterface for several file and directory related services
 NIdxAblePosition-sorted indexable objects
 NMMProcMulti Machine Processing
 NMPEMPE stands for Model, Predict, Edit. Contains tracking and editing functions
 NODInstOpendTect Installation
 NosgOpen Scene Graph
 NosgGeoA collection of geoscientific extensions to OpenSceneGraph
 NPosInfoPosition info, often segmented
 NPreStackViewGather display
 NRockPhysicsRef Data for a (usually petrophysical) property
 NSEGYKeys that should be used with
 NSeisSummary for a Seismic object
 NBlocks3D seismic storage. In 6.2, can be read only. For comments see master branch
 NsKeyUsed for defining key strings that are 'global'
 NStrmOperStream operations. operations will be retried on soft errors
 NTaperTaper an indexable array from 1 to taperfactor. If lowpos is less than highpos, the samples array[0] to array[lowpos] will be set to zero. If lowpos is more than highpos, the samples array[lowpos] to array[sz-1] will be set to zero. The taper can be either cosine or linear
 NThreadsInterface to threads that should be portable
 NValuesTemplatized undefined and initialisation (i.e. null) values
 NvisSurveyUsed for displaying a polyline, preview for a random line created throught well path
 NVolProcAdapter for a VolProc chain to external attribute calculation

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019