![]() |
NAngle | |
NArrayMath | |
NAttrib | Semblance Attribute |
NBatch | |
NCmdDrive | Command Drive |
NColTab | Color Table |
NConv | Template based type conversion |
NCoords | |
NDBG | Defines a generic interface for supplying debug/runtime info |
NEM | Earth Model objects like horizons, faults, fault-sticks and bodies |
NFile | Interface for several file and directory related services |
NFlatView | |
NFourier | |
NGeom | |
NGeometry | |
Ngoogle_breakpad | |
NIdxAble | Position-sorted indexable objects |
NInterpolate | |
NMath | |
NMMProc | Multi Machine Processing |
NMPE | MPE stands for Model, Predict, Edit. Contains tracking and editing functions |
NNetwork | |
NOD | OpendTect |
NODGoogle | |
NODInst | OpendTect Installation |
NOS | |
Nosg | Open Scene Graph |
NosgGeo | A collection of geoscientific extensions to OpenSceneGraph |
NosgManipulator | |
NosgText | |
NosgUtil | |
NosgViewer | |
NosgVolume | |
NPick | |
NPos | Position |
NPosInfo | Position info, often segmented |
NPreStack | |
NPreStackView | Gather display |
NRepos | |
NRockPhysics | Ref Data for a (usually petrophysical) property |
▼NSEGY | Keys that should be used with od_process_segyio.cc |
NIO | Input/Output |
▼NSeis | Summary for a Seismic object |
NBlocks | 3D seismic storage. In 6.2, can be read only. For comments see master branch |
NsKey | Used for defining key strings that are 'global' |
NStats | Statistics |
Nstd | |
NStrat | Stratigraphy |
NStrmOper | Stream operations. operations will be retried on soft errors |
NSurvey | |
NSystem | |
NTable | |
NTaper | Taper an indexable array from 1 to taperfactor. If lowpos is less than highpos, the samples array[0] to array[lowpos] will be set to zero. If lowpos is more than highpos, the samples array[lowpos] to array[sz-1] will be set to zero. The taper can be either cosine or linear |
NThreads | Interface to threads that should be portable |
NTime | |
NValues | Templatized undefined and initialisation (i.e. null) values |
NVel | Velocity |
NvisBase | |
NvisBeachBall | |
NvisSurvey | Used for displaying a polyline, preview for a random line created throught well path |
NVolProc | Adapter for a VolProc chain to external attribute calculation |
NWell | |
NWellTie | |
NZDomain |
Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019