OpendTect-6_4  6.4
ElasticLayer Member List

This is the complete list of members for ElasticLayer, including all inherited members.

AILayer(float thkness, float vel, float den)AILayerinline
AILayer(float thkness, float ai, float den, bool needcompthkness)AILayer
ElasticLayer(float thkness, float pvel, float svel, float den)ElasticLayer
ElasticLayer(const AILayer &)ElasticLayer
ElasticLayer(float thkness, float ai, float si, float den, bool needcompthkness)ElasticLayer
fillDenWithVp(bool onlyinvalid)AILayer
fillVsWithVp(bool onlyinvalid)ElasticLayer
getAI() const AILayer
getSI() const ElasticLayer
isOK(bool dodencheck=true, bool dosvelcheck=true) const ElasticLayer
AILayer::isOK(bool dodencheck=true) const AILayer
isValidDen() const AILayer
isValidVel() const AILayer
isValidVs() const ElasticLayer
operator==(const ElasticLayer &p) const ElasticLayerinline
AILayer::operator==(const AILayer &p) const AILayerinline

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019