This is the complete list of members for IODirEntryList, including all inherited members.
add(IODirEntry *t) | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inline |
addIfNew(IODirEntry *) | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inline |
allow0_ | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | protected |
allowNull(bool yn=true) | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inline |
append(const ObjectSet< IODirEntry > &) | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inlinevirtual |
copy(const ObjectSet< IODirEntry > &) | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inlinevirtual |
ctxt | IODirEntryList | |
cur_ | IODirEntryList | protected |
current() const | IODirEntryList | inline |
doAdd(IODirEntry *) | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inlineprotectedvirtual |
erase() | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inlinevirtual |
fill(const IODir &, const char *nmfiltglobexpr=0) | IODirEntryList | |
first() | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inline |
first() const | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inline |
getIOObjNames(BufferStringSet &) const | IODirEntryList | |
indexOf(const char *) const | IODirEntryList | |
indexOf(const IODirEntry *e) const | IODirEntryList | inlinevirtual |
insertAfter(IODirEntry *newptr, size_type) | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inlinevirtual |
insertAt(IODirEntry *newptr, size_type) | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inlinevirtual |
IODirEntryList(const IODir &, const IOObjContext &) | IODirEntryList | |
IODirEntryList(const IODir &, const TranslatorGroup *, bool maychgdir, const char *translator_globexpr=0) | IODirEntryList | |
isEmpty() const | OD::Set | inline |
isManaged() const | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inlinevirtual |
isPresent(const IODirEntry *) const | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inlinevirtual |
last() | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inline |
last() const | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inline |
lastiokey | IODirEntryList | |
maycd_ | IODirEntryList | protected |
name() const | IODirEntryList | inline |
name_ | IODirEntryList | protected |
nrItems() const | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inlinevirtual |
nullAllowed() const | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inline |
object_type typedef | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | |
ObjectSet() | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inline |
ObjectSet(const ObjectSet< IODirEntry > &) | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inline |
operator+=(IODirEntry *t) | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inline |
operator-=(IODirEntry *) | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | virtual |
operator=(const ObjectSet< IODirEntry > &) | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inline |
operator[](size_type) | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inlinevirtual |
operator[](size_type) const | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inlinevirtual |
operator[](const IODirEntry *) const | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inlinevirtual |
plainErase() | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inline |
pop() | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inlinevirtual |
push(IODirEntry *t) | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inline |
removeRange(size_type from, size_type to) | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | virtual |
removeSingle(size_type, bool keep_order=true) | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inlinevirtual |
removeWithTranslator(const char *) | IODirEntryList | |
replace(size_type idx, IODirEntry *) | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inlinevirtual |
reverse() | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inlinevirtual |
selected() const | IODirEntryList | inline |
setCurrent(int idx) | IODirEntryList | inline |
setEmpty() | OD::Set | inline |
setSelected(const MultiID &) | IODirEntryList | |
size() const | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inline |
size_type typedef | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | |
sort() | IODirEntryList | |
swap(int64_t, int64_t) | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inlinevirtual |
validIdx(int64_t) const | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inlinevirtual |
vec_ | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | protected |
~IODirEntryList() | IODirEntryList | |
~ObjectSet() | ObjectSet< IODirEntry > | inlinevirtual |
~Set() | OD::Set | inlinevirtual |