This is the complete list of members for IsoContourTracer, including all inherited members.
addVertex(ODPolygon< float > &contour, bool headinsert, int idx, int idy, int hor, float frac) const | IsoContourTracer | protected |
bendpointeps_ | IsoContourTracer | protected |
edgepar_ | IsoContourTracer | protected |
edgevalue_ | IsoContourTracer | protected |
field_ | IsoContourTracer | protected |
findCrossings(Array3DImpl< float > &crossings, float z) const | IsoContourTracer | protected |
getContours(ObjectSet< ODPolygon< float > > &, float z, bool closedonly=false) const | IsoContourTracer | |
IsoContourTracer(const Array2D< float > &) | IsoContourTracer | |
minnrvertices_ | IsoContourTracer | protected |
nrlargestonly_ | IsoContourTracer | protected |
polyroi_ | IsoContourTracer | protected |
selectPolyROI(const ODPolygon< float > *) | IsoContourTracer | |
selectRectROI(const Interval< int > &xintv, const Interval< int > &yintv) | IsoContourTracer | |
setBendPointsOnly(float eps) | IsoContourTracer | |
setEdgeValue(float) | IsoContourTracer | |
setMinNrVertices(int) | IsoContourTracer | |
setNrLargestOnly(int) | IsoContourTracer | |
setSampling(const StepInterval< int > &xsamp, const StepInterval< int > &ysamp) | IsoContourTracer | |
traceContours(Array3DImpl< float > &crossings, ObjectSet< ODPolygon< float > > &, bool closedonly) const | IsoContourTracer | protected |
xrange_ | IsoContourTracer | protected |
xsampling_ | IsoContourTracer | protected |
yrange_ | IsoContourTracer | protected |
ysampling_ | IsoContourTracer | protected |
~IsoContourTracer() | IsoContourTracer |
Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019