OpendTect-6_4  6.4
LineRectangleClipper< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for LineRectangleClipper< T >, including all inherited members.

castDouble2T(double) const LineRectangleClipper< T >inlineprotected
getStart() const LineRectangleClipper< T >inline
getStop() const LineRectangleClipper< T >inline
isIntersecting() const LineRectangleClipper< T >inline
isintersecting_LineRectangleClipper< T >protected
isStartChanged() const LineRectangleClipper< T >inline
isStopChanged() const LineRectangleClipper< T >inline
LineRectangleClipper(const Geom::Rectangle< T > &)LineRectangleClipper< T >inline
rect_LineRectangleClipper< T >protected
setLine(const Geom::Point2D< T > &start, const Geom::Point2D< T > &stop)LineRectangleClipper< T >inline
start_LineRectangleClipper< T >protected
startchanged_LineRectangleClipper< T >protected
stop_LineRectangleClipper< T >protected
stopchanged_LineRectangleClipper< T >protected

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019