OpendTect-6_4  6.4
Math::SpecVarSet Member List

This is the complete list of members for Math::SpecVarSet, including all inherited members.

add(const char *varnm, const char *dispnm, bool hasuns=false, PropertyRef::StdType typ=PropertyRef::Other)Math::SpecVarSetinline
TypeSet< SpecVar >::add(const SpecVar &)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inline
addIfNew(const SpecVar &)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
append(const SpecVar *, size_type)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
append(const TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int > &)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
arr()TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
arr() constTypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
copy(const SpecVar *, size_type)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
copy(const TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int > &)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
count(const SpecVar &) constTypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inline
createDifference(const TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int > &, bool must_preserve_order=false)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
createIntersection(const TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int > &)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
createUnion(const TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int > &)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
dispName(int idx) const Math::SpecVarSetinline
erase()TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
find(const char *nm)Math::SpecVarSetinline
find(const char *nm) const Math::SpecVarSetinline
first()TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inline
first() constTypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inline
getCapacity() constTypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
getIndexOf(const char *varnm) const Math::SpecVarSet
getNames(BufferStringSet &, bool usrdisp=true) const Math::SpecVarSet
getReOrdered(const size_type *, TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int > &)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
gtArr() constTypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlineprotectedvirtual
hasUnits(int idx)Math::SpecVarSetinline
indexOf(SpecVar, bool forward=true, size_type start=-1) constTypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
insert(size_type, const SpecVar &)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
isEmpty() const OD::Setinline
isPresent(const char *nm) const Math::SpecVarSetinline
TypeSet< SpecVar >::isPresent(const SpecVar &) constTypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inline
last()TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inline
last() constTypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inline
move(size_type from, size_type to)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
nrItems() constTypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
object_type typedefTypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >
operator+=(const SpecVar &t)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inline
operator-=(const SpecVar &)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inline
operator=(const TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int > &ts)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inline
operator[](size_type)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inline
operator[](size_type) constTypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inline
pop()TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inline
propType(int idx)Math::SpecVarSetinline
push(const SpecVar &)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inline
removeRange(size_type from, size_type to)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
removeSingle(size_type, bool preserver_order=true)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
replace(SpecVar, SpecVar)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inline
reverse()TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
setAll(SpecVar)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inline
setCapacity(size_type sz, bool withmargin)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
setSize(size_type, SpecVar val=SpecVar())TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
size() constTypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inline
size_type typedefTypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >
swap(int64_t, int64_t)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
TypeSet()TypeSet< SpecVar >inline
TypeSet(int nr, SpecVar typ)TypeSet< SpecVar >inline
TypeSet(const SpecVar *t, int nr)TypeSet< SpecVar >inline
TypeSet(const TypeSet< SpecVar > &t)TypeSet< SpecVar >inline
TypeSetBase()TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlineprotected
TypeSetBase(size_type nr, SpecVar typ)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlineprotected
TypeSetBase(const SpecVar *, size_type nr)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlineprotected
TypeSetBase(const TypeSetBase< SpecVar, size_type > &)TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlineprotected
validIdx(int64_t) constTypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual
varName(int idx) const Math::SpecVarSetinline
vec()TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inline
vec() constTypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inline
vec_TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >protected
~TypeSetBase()TypeSetBase< SpecVar, int >inlinevirtual

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019