OpendTect-6_4  6.4
Pick::Location Member List

This is the complete list of members for Pick::Location, including all inherited members.

binID() const Pick::Location
crlDip() const Pick::Location
dir() const Pick::Location
fndKeyTxt(const char *, BufferString *) const Pick::Locationprotected
fromString(const char *)Pick::Location
geomID() const Pick::Location
getKeyedText(const char *key, BufferString &) const Pick::Location
getText(const char *key, BufferString &) const Pick::Location
hasDir() const Pick::Locationinline
hasPos() const Pick::Locationinline
hasText() const Pick::Location
hasTextKey(const char *key) const Pick::Location
hasTrcKey() const Pick::Location
inlDip() const Pick::Location
is2D() const Pick::Location
lineNr() const Pick::Location
Location(double x=0, double y=0, double z=0)Pick::Location
Location(const Coord &, float z=0)Pick::Location
Location(const Coord3 &)Pick::Location
Location(const Coord3 &pos, const Coord3 &dir)Pick::Location
Location(const Coord3 &pos, const Sphere &dir)Pick::Location
Location(const Location &)Pick::Location
operator!=(const Location &oth) const Pick::Locationinline
operator=(const Location &)Pick::Location
operator==(const Location &oth) const Pick::Locationinline
pos() const Pick::Locationinline
removeTextKey(const char *key)Pick::Location
setBinID(const BinID &, bool updcoord=false)Pick::Location
setDip(float, float)Pick::Location
setDir(const Sphere &)Pick::Location
setDir(const Coord &)Pick::Location
setKeyedText(const char *key, const char *txt)Pick::Location
setPos(const Coord3 &c)Pick::Locationinline
setPos(const Coord &c)Pick::Locationinline
setPos(double x, double y, double zval)Pick::Locationinline
setPos(const Coord &c, float zval)Pick::Locationinline
setSurvID(Pos::SurvID, bool updfromcoord=true)Pick::Location
setText(const char *)Pick::Location
setText(const char *key, const char *txt)Pick::Location
setTrcKey(const TrcKey &)Pick::Location
setZ(FT zval)Pick::Locationinline
survID() const Pick::Location
text() const Pick::Location
toString(BufferString &, bool forexport=false, const Coords::CoordSystem *crs=0) const Pick::Location
trcKey() const Pick::Location
trcNr() const Pick::Location
unSetText(const char *key)Pick::Location
z() const Pick::Locationinline

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019