OpendTect-6_4  6.4
Plane3 Member List

This is the complete list of members for Plane3, including all inherited members.

distanceToPoint(const Coord3 &, bool wichside=false) const Plane3
getProjection(const Coord3 &pos)Plane3
intersectWith(const Line3 &, Coord3 &) const Plane3
intersectWith(const Plane3 &, Line3 &) const Plane3
normal() const Plane3inline
onSameSide(const Coord3 &p1, const Coord3 &p2)Plane3
operator!=(const Plane3 &) const Plane3
operator==(const Plane3 &) const Plane3
Plane3(double, double, double, double)Plane3
Plane3(const Coord3 &vectors, const Coord3 &, bool twovectors)Plane3
Plane3(const Coord3 &, const Coord3 &, const Coord3 &)Plane3
Plane3(const TypeSet< Coord3 > &)Plane3
set(const Coord3 &vector, const Coord3 &, bool twovectors)Plane3
set(const Coord3 &, const Coord3 &, const Coord3 &)Plane3
set(const TypeSet< Coord3 > &)Plane3

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019