OpendTect-6_4  6.4
Property Member List

This is the complete list of members for Property, including all inherited members.

clone() const =0Propertypure virtual
def() const =0Propertypure virtual
dependsOn(const Property &) const Propertyinlinevirtual
errMsg() const Propertyinlinevirtual
fillPar(IOPar &) const Property
get(const IOPar &)Propertystatic
gtVal(EvalOpts) const =0Propertyprotectedpure virtual
init(const PropertySet &) const Propertyvirtual
isEqualTo(const Property &) const Property
isUdf() const =0Propertypure virtual
isValue() const Propertyinlinevirtual
mDefineFactory1ParamInClass(Property, const PropertyRef &, factory)Property
name() const Property
Property(const PropertyRef &pr)Propertyinline
ref() const Propertyinline
setDef(const char *)=0Propertypure virtual
type() const =0Propertypure virtual
usePar(const IOPar &)Property
value(EvalOpts eo=EvalOpts()) const Propertyinline

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019