This is the complete list of members for SEGY::FileDataSet, including all inherited members.
addFile(const char *fnm) | SEGY::FileDataSet | |
addTrace(int fileidx, const Seis::PosKey &, const Coord &, bool usable) | SEGY::FileDataSet | |
coords_ | SEGY::FileDataSet | protected |
cumsizes_ | SEGY::FileDataSet | protected |
dump(od_ostream &) const | SEGY::FileDataSet | |
FileDataSet(const IOPar &iop, ascistream &) | SEGY::FileDataSet | |
FileDataSet(const IOPar &iop) | SEGY::FileDataSet | |
FileDataSet(const IOPar &, const char *filename, od_stream_Pos start, const DataCharacteristics &int32) | SEGY::FileDataSet | |
FileDataSet(const FileDataSet &fd) | SEGY::FileDataSet | |
fileName(int) const | SEGY::FileDataSet | |
filenames_ | SEGY::FileDataSet | protected |
fillPar(IOPar &iop) const | SEGY::FileDataSet | |
geom_ | SEGY::FileDataSet | protected |
geomType() const | SEGY::FileDataSet | inline |
get2DCoord(int trcnr) const | SEGY::FileDataSet | |
getDetails(od_int64, Seis::PosKey &, bool &usable) const | SEGY::FileDataSet | |
getFileIndex(od_int64) const | SEGY::FileDataSet | |
getReport(IOPar &) const | SEGY::FileDataSet | |
getSampling() const | SEGY::FileDataSet | inline |
getTrcSz() const | SEGY::FileDataSet | inline |
indexer_ | SEGY::FileDataSet | protected |
isEmpty() const | SEGY::FileDataSet | inline |
isRev0() const | SEGY::FileDataSet | inline |
isrev0_ | SEGY::FileDataSet | protected |
keys_ | SEGY::FileDataSet | protected |
nrFiles() const | SEGY::FileDataSet | |
nrstanzas_ | SEGY::FileDataSet | protected |
nrusable_ | SEGY::FileDataSet | protected |
readVersion1(ascistream &) | SEGY::FileDataSet | protected |
readVersion1File(ascistream &) | SEGY::FileDataSet | protected |
sampling_ | SEGY::FileDataSet | protected |
save2DCoords(bool yn) | SEGY::FileDataSet | |
segyPars() const | SEGY::FileDataSet | inline |
segypars_ | SEGY::FileDataSet | protected |
setAuxData(const Seis::GeomType &, const SEGYSeisTrcTranslator &) | SEGY::FileDataSet | |
setIndexer(Seis::PosIndexer *n) | SEGY::FileDataSet | |
setOutputStream(od_ostream &) | SEGY::FileDataSet | |
size() const | SEGY::FileDataSet | inline |
storeddata_ | SEGY::FileDataSet | protected |
totalsz_ | SEGY::FileDataSet | protected |
trcsz_ | SEGY::FileDataSet | protected |
usable_ | SEGY::FileDataSet | protected |
usePar(const IOPar &iop) | SEGY::FileDataSet | |
~FileDataSet() | SEGY::FileDataSet | |