This is the complete list of members for TimeDepthConverter, including all inherited members.
calcDepths(ValueSeries< float > &, int sz, const SamplingData< double > ×amp) const | TimeDepthConverter | private |
calcDepths(const ValueSeries< float > &vels, int velsz, const SamplingData< double > &, float *depths) | TimeDepthConverter | privatestatic |
calcDepths(const ValueSeries< float > &vels, int velsz, const ValueSeries< double > ×, double *depths) | TimeDepthConverter | privatestatic |
calcDepths(const ValueSeries< float > &vels, int velsz, const ValueSeries< float > ×, float *depths) | TimeDepthConverter | privatestatic |
calcTimes(ValueSeries< float > &, int sz, const SamplingData< double > &depthsamp) const | TimeDepthConverter | private |
calcTimes(const ValueSeries< float > &vels, int velsz, const ValueSeries< float > &depth, float *times) | TimeDepthConverter | privatestatic |
calcTimes(const ValueSeries< float > &vels, int velsz, const SamplingData< double > &, float *times) | TimeDepthConverter | privatestatic |
calcZ(const float *, int inpsz, ValueSeries< float > &, int outpsz, const SamplingData< double > &, bool istime) const | TimeDepthConverter | protected |
convertTo(const float *dpths, const float *times, int sz, float z, bool targetistime) | TimeDepthModel | protectedstatic |
depths_ | TimeDepthModel | protected |
errmsg_ | TimeDepthModel | protected |
firstvel_ | TimeDepthConverter | protected |
isOK() const | TimeDepthConverter | privatevirtual |
isVelocityDescUseable(const VelocityDesc &, bool velintime, uiString *errmsg=0) | TimeDepthConverter | privatestatic |
lastvel_ | TimeDepthConverter | protected |
regularinput_ | TimeDepthConverter | protected |
sd_ | TimeDepthConverter | protected |
setVelocityModel(const ValueSeries< float > &vels, int sz, const SamplingData< double > &sd, const VelocityDesc &, bool istime) | TimeDepthConverter | private |
sz_ | TimeDepthConverter | protected |
times_ | TimeDepthModel | protected |
Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019