This is the complete list of members for Well::DirectionalSurvey, including all inherited members.
calcTrack(const TypeSet< double > &mds, const TypeSet< double > &incls, const TypeSet< double > &azis, TypeSet< Coord3 > &track) | Well::DirectionalSurvey | |
DirectionalSurvey(const Coord &surfacecrd, double kb=0) | Well::DirectionalSurvey | |
kb_ | Well::DirectionalSurvey | protected |
Method enum name | Well::DirectionalSurvey | |
method_ | Well::DirectionalSurvey | protected |
MinCurv enum value | Well::DirectionalSurvey | |
surfacecoord_ | Well::DirectionalSurvey | protected |
Tangential enum value | Well::DirectionalSurvey | |
~DirectionalSurvey() | Well::DirectionalSurvey |
Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019