This is the complete list of members for ZipUtils, including all inherited members.
appendToArchive(const char *zipfile, const char *toappend, uiString &errmsg, TaskRunner *tr=0, ZipHandler::CompLevel c=ZipHandler::Normal) | ZipUtils | static |
doUnZip(const char *src, const char *dest) | ZipUtils | protected |
doZip(const char *src, const char *dest) | ZipUtils | protected |
errmsg_ | ZipUtils | protected |
errorMsg() const | ZipUtils | inline |
filelist_ | ZipUtils | protected |
filelistname_ | ZipUtils | protected |
getFileList() const | ZipUtils | inline |
makeFileList(const char *zipfile) | ZipUtils | |
makeZip(const char *zipfilenm, const BufferStringSet &, uiString &errmsg, TaskRunner *tr=0, ZipHandler::CompLevel c=ZipHandler::Normal) | ZipUtils | static |
makeZip(const char *zipfilenm, const char *tozip, uiString &errmsg, TaskRunner *tr=0, ZipHandler::CompLevel c=ZipHandler::Normal) | ZipUtils | static |
mODTextTranslationClass(zipUtils) | ZipUtils | private |
needfilelist_ | ZipUtils | protected |
UnZip(const char *scr, const char *dest) | ZipUtils | |
unZipArchive(const char *src, const char *dest, uiString &errmsg, TaskRunner *tr=0) | ZipUtils | static |
unZipArchives(const BufferStringSet &archvs, const char *dest, uiString &errmsg, TaskRunner *tr=0) | ZipUtils | static |
unZipFile(const char *ziparchive, const char *fnm, const char *path, BufferString &errmsg) | ZipUtils | static |
Zip(const char *src, const char *dest) | ZipUtils | |
ZipUtils(const char *filelistnm=0) | ZipUtils | |
~ZipUtils() | ZipUtils |
Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019