This is the complete list of members for uiAttributeFactory, including all inherited members.
add(const char *displaynm, const char *attrnm, const char *grpnm, uiAttrDescEdCreateFunc, int, int) | uiAttributeFactory | |
attrNameOf(const char *) const | uiAttributeFactory | |
create(uiParent *, const char *nm, bool, bool dispnm=true) const | uiAttributeFactory | |
dimensionType(int idx) const | uiAttributeFactory | inline |
dispNameOf(const char *) const | uiAttributeFactory | |
domainType(int idx) const | uiAttributeFactory | inline |
entries_ | uiAttributeFactory | protected |
fillStd() | uiAttributeFactory | protected |
getAttribName(int idx) const | uiAttributeFactory | inline |
getDisplayName(int idx) const | uiAttributeFactory | inline |
getEntry(const char *, bool) const | uiAttributeFactory | protected |
getGroupName(int idx) const | uiAttributeFactory | inline |
isPresent(const char *, bool dispnm) const | uiAttributeFactory | |
size() const | uiAttributeFactory | inline |
uiAF() | uiAttributeFactory | friend |
~uiAttributeFactory() | uiAttributeFactory | virtual |
Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019