This is the complete list of members for uiSlicePos2DView, including all inherited members.
attachCB(NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &, bool onlyifnew=false) | CallBacker | |
attachCB(NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb, bool onlyifnew=false) | CallBacker | inline |
boxlabels_ | uiSlicePos | protected |
CallBacker() | CallBacker | |
CallBacker(const CallBacker &) | CallBacker | |
curcs_ | uiSlicePos | protected |
curorientation_ | uiSlicePos2DView | protected |
detachAllNotifiers() | CallBacker | protected |
detachCB(NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &) | CallBacker | |
detachCB(NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb) | CallBacker | inline |
getLimitSampling() const | uiSlicePos2DView | inline |
getStep(SliceDir) const | uiSlicePos | |
getToolBar() const | uiSlicePos | inline |
getTrcKeyZSampling() const | uiSlicePos | inline |
initSteps(CallBacker *cb=0) | uiSlicePos | protected |
isNotifierAttached(NotifierAccess *) const | CallBacker | |
label_ | uiSlicePos | protected |
laststeps_ | uiSlicePos | protected |
limitscs_ | uiSlicePos2DView | protected |
mDeclareEnumUtils(SliceDir) | uiSlicePos | |
nextbut_ | uiSlicePos | protected |
nextCB(CallBacker *) | uiSlicePos | protected |
positionChg | uiSlicePos | |
prevbut_ | uiSlicePos | protected |
prevCB(CallBacker *) | uiSlicePos | protected |
setBoxLabel(SliceDir) | uiSlicePos | protected |
setBoxRanges() | uiSlicePos2DView | protectedvirtual |
setBoxRg(SliceDir, const TrcKeyZSampling &) | uiSlicePos | protected |
setLabels(const uiString &inl, const uiString &crl, const uiString &z) | uiSlicePos | |
setLimitSampling(const TrcKeyZSampling &) | uiSlicePos2DView | |
setPosBoxVal(SliceDir, const TrcKeyZSampling &) | uiSlicePos | protected |
setPosBoxValue() | uiSlicePos2DView | protectedvirtual |
setStep(SliceDir, int step) | uiSlicePos | |
setStepBoxValue() | uiSlicePos2DView | protectedvirtual |
setSteps(int inl, int crl, int z) | uiSlicePos | |
setTrcKeyZSampling(const TrcKeyZSampling &) | uiSlicePos2DView | |
shortcutsChg(CallBacker *) | uiSlicePos | protected |
SliceDir typedef | uiSlicePos | |
sliceposbox_ | uiSlicePos | protected |
slicePosChanged(SliceDir, const TrcKeyZSampling &) | uiSlicePos | protected |
slicePosChg(CallBacker *) | uiSlicePos2DView | protectedvirtual |
slicestepbox_ | uiSlicePos | protected |
sliceStepChanged(SliceDir) | uiSlicePos | protected |
sliceStepChg(CallBacker *) | uiSlicePos2DView | protectedvirtual |
toolbar_ | uiSlicePos | protected |
uiSlicePos(uiParent *) | uiSlicePos | |
uiSlicePos2DView(uiParent *, const ZDomain::Info &) | uiSlicePos2DView | |
updatePos(CallBacker *) | uiSlicePos | protected |
zdomaininfo_ | uiSlicePos2DView | protected |
zfactor_ | uiSlicePos | protected |
~CallBacker() | CallBacker | virtual |
~uiSlicePos() | uiSlicePos | |