47 void setTrackingType(
const char* typstr);
80 bool prepareNamePage();
81 bool prepareTrackModePage();
82 bool prepareSeedSetupPage();
83 bool prepareFinalizePage();
85 bool leaveNamePage(
86 bool leaveTrackModePage(
87 bool leaveSeedSetupPage(
88 bool leaveFinalizePage(
95 bool preparePage(
96 bool leavePage(
99 void updateDialogTitle();
100 void adjustSeedBox();
od_int16 SectionID
Definition: emposid.h:25
#define mExpClass(module)
Definition: commondefs.h:160
od_int32 ObjectID
Definition: emposid.h:24
To be able to send and/or receive CallBacks, inherit from this class.
Definition: callback.h:272
Definition: uitextedit.h:74
bool ioparentrycreated
Definition: uimpewizard.h:113
static const int sFinalizePage
Definition: uimpewizard.h:52
Group for defining line properties Provides selection of linestyle, linecolor and linewidth...
Definition: uisellinest.h:29
uiButtonGroup * h2dmodegrp
Definition: uimpewizard.h:67
BufferString trackertype
Definition: uimpewizard.h:121
Definition: uimpewizard.h:38
uiSetupGroup * setupgrp
Definition: uimpewizard.h:64
Definition: uiwizard.h:21
MPE stands for Model, Predict, Edit. Contains tracking and editing functions.
Definition: autotracker.h:32
EM::ObjectID currentobject
Definition: uimpewizard.h:111
uiMPEPartServer * mpeserv
Definition: uimpewizard.h:119
uiIOObjSelGrp * objselgrp
Definition: uimpewizard.h:57
static const int sTrackModePage
Definition: uimpewizard.h:50
uiSetupGroup * hsetupgrp
Definition: uimpewizard.h:61
Definition: uiparent.h:26
static const int sNamePage
Definition: uimpewizard.h:49
uiSetupGroup * h2dsetupgrp
Definition: uimpewizard.h:62
uiGenInput * typefld
Definition: uimpewizard.h:73
EM::SectionID sid
Definition: uimpewizard.h:112
uiGenInput * anotherfld
Definition: uimpewizard.h:72
int oldsettingsseeds
Definition: uimpewizard.h:117
uiMPEEngine & uiMPE()
Access function for an instance (and normally the only instance) of MPE::uiMPEEngine.
bool objectcreated
Definition: uimpewizard.h:114
Hor+Vert sampling in 3D surveys.
Definition: trckeyzsampling.h:35
uiButtonGroup * fmodegrp
Definition: uimpewizard.h:68
uiTextEdit * infofld
Definition: uimpewizard.h:70
Implementation of Tracking part server interface.
Definition: uimpepartserv.h:33
uiSetupGroup * fsetupgrp
Definition: uimpewizard.h:63
User Interface (UI) element for selection of IOObjs.
Definition: uiioobjsel.h:38
OD::String with its own variable length buffer. The buffer has a guaranteed minimum size...
Definition: bufstring.h:40
static const int sSeedSetupPage
Definition: uimpewizard.h:51
static int defcolnr
Definition: uimpewizard.h:120
int initialundoid_
Definition: uimpewizard.h:116
uiButtonGroup * modegrp
Definition: uimpewizard.h:69
TrcKeyZSampling seedbox
Definition: uimpewizard.h:109
Basic group for letting the user select an object.
Definition: uiioobjselgrp.h:46
uiButtonGroup * hmodegrp
Definition: uimpewizard.h:66
bool trackercreated
Definition: uimpewizard.h:115
uiColorInput * colorfld
Definition: uimpewizard.h:59