OpendTect-6_4  6.4
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef uiseispartserv_h
2 #define uiseispartserv_h
4 /*+
5 ________________________________________________________________________
7  (C) dGB Beheer B.V.; (LICENSE)
8  Author: A.H. Bril
9  Date: Feb 2002
10  RCS: $Id$
11 ________________________________________________________________________
13 -*/
15 #include "uiseismod.h"
16 #include "uiapplserv.h"
17 #include "multiid.h"
18 #include "uistring.h"
20 class BufferStringSet;
21 class TrcKeyZSampling;
22 class IOPar;
23 class SeisTrcBuf;
24 class uiFlatViewWin;
25 class uiSeisFileMan;
26 class uiSeisImportCBVS;
27 class uiSeisIOSimple;
30 class uiSeisPreStackMan;
31 class uiSeisWvltMan;
33 namespace PosInfo { class Line2DData; }
34 namespace Geometry { class RandomLine; }
42 public:
46  const char* name() const { return "Seismics"; }
48  bool importSeis(int opt);
49  bool exportSeis(int opt);
51  MultiID getDefaultDataID(bool is2d) const;
52  bool select2DSeis(MultiID&);
53  bool select2DLines(TypeSet<Pos::GeomID>&,int& action);
54  static void get2DStoredAttribs(const char* linenm,
55  BufferStringSet& attribs,int steerpol=2);
56  void get2DZdomainAttribs(const char* linenm,
57  const char* zdomainstr,
58  BufferStringSet& attribs);
59  bool create2DOutput(const MultiID&,const char* linekey,
61  void getStoredGathersList(bool for3d,BufferStringSet&) const;
62  void storeRlnAs2DLine(const Geometry::RandomLine&) const;
64  void processTime2Depth(bool is2d=false) const;
65  void processVelConv() const;
66  void createMultiCubeDataStore() const;
68  void manageSeismics(int opt,bool modal=false);
69  void managePreLoad();
70  void importWavelets();
71  void exportWavelets();
72  void manageWavelets();
73  void exportCubePos(const MultiID* =0);
75  void fillPar(IOPar&) const;
76  bool usePar(const IOPar&);
78 protected:
80  bool ioSeis(int,bool);
81  void survChangedCB(CallBacker*);
82  MultiID getDefault2DDataID() const;
102 private:
103  uiString mkDlgCaption( bool forread, bool is2d, bool isps );
104 };
106 #endif
#define mExpClass(module)
Definition: commondefs.h:160
To be able to send and/or receive CallBacks, inherit from this class.
Definition: callback.h:272
uiSeisIOSimple * expps2dseisdlg_
Definition: uiseispartserv.h:97
uiSeisExpCubePositionsDlg * expcubeposdlg_
Definition: uiseispartserv.h:100
#define mODTextTranslationClass(clss)
Definition: uistring.h:38
Imports or links to a CBVS file.
Definition: uiseisimportcbvs.h:27
void usePar(const IOPar &iop, ODPolygon< T > &poly, const char *inpkey)
Definition: polygon.h:188
Definition: randomlinegeom.h:31
uiSeisIOSimple * exp3dseisdlg_
Definition: uiseispartserv.h:91
Seismic User Interface Part Server.
Definition: uiseispartserv.h:40
uiSeisWvltMan * manwvltdlg_
Definition: uiseispartserv.h:88
Definition: uistring.h:89
Set of BufferString objects.
Definition: bufstringset.h:28
Definition: uiseisexpcubepositions.h:23
uiSeisIOSimple * imp2dseisdlg_
Definition: uiseispartserv.h:92
uiSeisIOSimple * impps2dseisdlg_
Definition: uiseispartserv.h:96
uiSeisPreStackMan * man3dprestkdlg_
Definition: uiseispartserv.h:87
Generalized set of parameters of the keyword-value type.
Definition: iopar.h:47
uiSeisPreStackMan * man2dprestkdlg_
Definition: uiseispartserv.h:86
Definition: uiseisiosimple.h:29
uiSeisIOSimple * impps3dseisdlg_
Definition: uiseispartserv.h:94
uiSeisIOSimple * imp3dseisdlg_
Definition: uiseispartserv.h:90
Hor+Vert sampling in 3D surveys.
Definition: trckeyzsampling.h:35
const char * name() const
Definition: uiseispartserv.h:46
uiSeisFileMan * man2dseisdlg_
Definition: uiseispartserv.h:84
uiSeisImpCBVSFromOtherSurveyDlg * impcbvsothsurvdlg_
Definition: uiseispartserv.h:99
void fillPar(IOPar &iop, const ODPolygon< T > &poly, const char *inpkey)
Definition: polygon.h:175
Definition: uiseiscbvsimpfromothersurv.h:24
Position info, often segmented.
Definition: posinfo.h:40
uiSeisIOSimple * expps3dseisdlg_
Definition: uiseispartserv.h:95
Services from application level to &#39;Part servers&#39;.
Definition: uiapplserv.h:24
Definition: uiseiswvltman.h:26
set of seismic traces.
Definition: seisbuf.h:31
uiSeisIOSimple * exp2dseisdlg_
Definition: uiseispartserv.h:93
Makes available certain services that are needed on a higher level.
Definition: uiapplserv.h:48
uiSeisImportCBVS * impcbvsdlg_
Definition: uiseispartserv.h:98
Base class for windows containing one or more uiFlatViewer(s).
Definition: uiflatviewwin.h:31
uiSeisFileMan * man3dseisdlg_
Definition: uiseispartserv.h:85
Definition: uiseispsman.h:19
Definition: uiseisfileman.h:19
Definition: arraytesselator.h:21
Compound key consisting of ints.
Definition: multiid.h:25

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019