![]() |
This is the complete list of members for JobIOMgr, including all inherited members.
attachCB(const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &, bool onlyifnew=false) const | CallBacker | |
attachCB(const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb, bool onlyifnew=false) const | CallBacker | |
attachednotifiers_ | CallBacker | private |
attachednotifierslock_ | CallBacker | mutableprivate |
authority() const | JobIOMgr | |
CallBacker() | CallBacker | |
CallBacker(const CallBacker &) | CallBacker | |
createReceiverForCurrentThread() | CallBacker | static |
detachAllNotifiers() const | CallBacker | |
detachCB(const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &) const | CallBacker | |
detachCB(const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb) const | CallBacker | inline |
execpars_ | JobIOMgr | protected |
fetchMsg(BufferString &bs) | JobIOMgr | inline |
iohdlr_ | JobIOMgr | protected |
isCapsule() const | CallBacker | inlinevirtual |
isNotifierAttached(const NotifierAccess *) const | CallBacker | |
isReady() const | JobIOMgr | |
JobIOMgr(PortNr_Type firstport=19345, int niceval=19) | JobIOMgr | |
mkCommand(OS::MachineCommand &, const HostData &, const char *progname, const FilePath &basefp, const FilePath &iopfp, const JobInfo &, const char *rshcomm) | JobIOMgr | protected |
mkIOParFile(const FilePath &basefnm, const HostData &, const IOPar &, FilePath &, BufferString &msg) | JobIOMgr | static |
mkIOParFile(FilePath &, const FilePath &basefnm, const HostData &, const IOPar &) | JobIOMgr | protected |
mkRexecCmd(const char *prognm, const HostData &machine, const HostData &localhost) | JobIOMgr | static |
Mode enum name | JobIOMgr | |
msg_ | JobIOMgr | protected |
niceval_ | JobIOMgr | protected |
notifyShutdown(const NotifierAccess *, bool wait) const | CallBacker | private |
Pause enum value | JobIOMgr | |
peekMsg() | JobIOMgr | inline |
removeJob(const char *, int) | JobIOMgr | |
removeReceiverForCurrentThread() | CallBacker | static |
reqModeForJob(const JobInfo &, Mode) | JobIOMgr | |
setNiceNess(int n) | JobIOMgr | inline |
setRexecCmd(const char *prognm, const HostData &machine, const HostData &localhost, OS::MachineCommand &) const | JobIOMgr | private |
startProg(const char *, IOPar &, const FilePath &, const JobInfo &, const char *) | JobIOMgr | |
statusQueue() | JobIOMgr | |
Stop enum value | JobIOMgr | |
stopReceivingNotifications() const | CallBacker | inline |
Work enum value | JobIOMgr | |
~CallBacker() | CallBacker | virtual |
~JobIOMgr() | JobIOMgr | virtual |
Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2022