| BinIDParam (const char *) |
| BinIDParam (const char *, const BinID &, bool isreq=true) |
BinIDParam * | clone () const |
void | setLimits (const Interval< int > &inlrg, const Interval< int > &crlrg) |
void | setLimits (int mininl, int maxinl, int mincrl, int maxcrl) |
virtual bool | setCompositeValue (const char *) |
virtual bool | getCompositeValue (BufferString &) const |
void | setDefaultValue (const BinID &) |
BinID | getDefaultBinIDValue () const |
BufferString | getDefaultValue () const |
BinID | getValue () const |
void | toString (BufferString &, const BinID &) const |
| ValParam (const char *key, DataInpSpec *) |
| ValParam (const ValParam &) |
| ~ValParam () |
virtual bool | isOK () const |
int | nrValues () const |
virtual int | getIntValue (int idx=0) const |
virtual float | getFValue (int idx=0) const |
virtual double | getDValue (int idx=0) const |
bool | getBoolValue (int idx=0) const |
const char * | getStringValue (int idx=0) const |
void | setValue (int, int idx=0) |
void | setValue (float, int idx=0) |
void | setValue (bool, int idx=0) |
void | setValue (const char *, int idx=0) |
void | setValue (double, int idx=0) |
virtual int | getDefaultIntValue (int idx=0) const |
virtual float | getDefaultfValue (int idx=0) const |
bool | getDefaultBoolValue (int idx=0) const |
const char * | getDefaultStringValue (int idx=0) const |
virtual double | getDefaultdValue (int idx=0) const |
void | setDefaultValue (int, int idx=0) |
void | setDefaultValue (float, int idx=0) |
void | setDefaultValue (bool, int idx=0) |
void | setDefaultValue (const char *, int idx=0) |
void | setDefaultValue (double, int idx=0) |
DataInpSpec * | getSpec () |
const DataInpSpec * | getSpec () const |
virtual void | fillDefStr (BufferString &) const |
float | getfValue (int idx=0) const |
double | getdValue (int idx=0) const |
| Param (const char *key) |
| Param (const Param &) |
virtual | ~Param () |
bool | operator== (const Param &p) const |
bool | operator!= (const Param &p) const |
bool | isEnabled () const |
void | setEnabled (bool yn=true) |
bool | isRequired () const |
void | setRequired (bool yn=true) |
bool | isGroup () const |
FixedString | getKey () const |
virtual bool | setValues (BufferStringSet &) |
void | setKey (const char *newkey) |
A parameter that is used by an attribute.
Each attribute has a definition string that defines how the attribute is computed. The definition string has the format:
AttribNameWithoutSpaces param1=value1 param2=value2,value3
The paramater thus has a key (e.g. param1) and one or more associated values.
Subclasses are used to provide accurate parameter definition for parameters of each and every type.