This is the complete list of members for FileDownloader, including all inherited members.
annotName() const | NamedObject | inlinevirtual |
attachCB(NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &, bool onlyifnew=false) | CallBacker | |
attachCB(NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb, bool onlyifnew=false) | CallBacker | inline |
CallBacker() | CallBacker | |
CallBacker(const CallBacker &) | CallBacker | |
Control enum name | Task | |
control_ | Task | protected |
controlWork(Control) | Task | virtual |
databuffer_ | FileDownloader | protected |
deleteNotify(const CallBack &) | NamedObject | |
delnotify_ | NamedObject | protected |
detachAllNotifiers() | CallBacker | protected |
detachCB(NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &) | CallBacker | |
detachCB(NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb) | CallBacker | inline |
doStep() | SequentialTask | virtual |
enableWorkControl(bool=true) | Task | virtual |
errorOccured() | FileDownloader | protected |
ErrorOccurred() | SequentialTask | inlinestatic |
execute() | SequentialTask | virtual |
FileDownloader(const char *url) | FileDownloader | |
FileDownloader(const char *url, DataBuffer *db) | FileDownloader | |
FileDownloader(const BufferStringSet &urls, const BufferStringSet &outputpaths) | FileDownloader | |
Finished() | SequentialTask | inlinestatic |
getDownloadSize() | FileDownloader | |
getState() const | Task | virtual |
initneeded_ | FileDownloader | protected |
isNotifierAttached(NotifierAccess *) const | CallBacker | |
lastupdate_ | SequentialTask | protected |
linkedto_ | NamedObject | protected |
mODTextTranslationClass(FileDownloader) | FileDownloader | private |
MoreToDo() | SequentialTask | inlinestatic |
msg_ | FileDownloader | protected |
name() const | NamedObject | inlinevirtual |
name_ | NamedObject | protected |
NamedObject(const char *nm=0) | NamedObject | |
NamedObject(const NamedObject *linkedto) | NamedObject | |
NamedObject(const NamedObject &) | NamedObject | |
nextStep() | FileDownloader | virtual |
nrDone() const | FileDownloader | virtual |
nrdone_ | FileDownloader | protected |
nrfilesdownloaded_ | FileDownloader | protected |
odnr_ | FileDownloader | protected |
operator==(const NamedObject &oth) const | NamedObject | inline |
osd_ | FileDownloader | protected |
Pause enum value | Task | |
progressMeter() | SequentialTask | inline |
progressMeter() const | SequentialTask | inline |
progressmeter_ | SequentialTask | protected |
qeventloop_ | FileDownloader | protected |
Run enum value | Task | |
saveaspaths_ | FileDownloader | protected |
SequentialTask(const char *nm=0) | SequentialTask | |
setCleanName(const char *) | NamedObject | |
setLinkedTo(NamedObject *) | NamedObject | |
setName(const char *) | NamedObject | virtual |
setProgressMeter(ProgressMeter *) | SequentialTask | virtual |
setSaveAsPaths(const BufferStringSet &, const char *) | FileDownloader | protected |
shouldContinue() | Task | protectedvirtual |
stdNrDoneText() | Task | inlinestatic |
Stop enum value | Task | |
Task(const char *nm=0) | Task | protected |
totalNr() const | FileDownloader | virtual |
totalnr_ | FileDownloader | protected |
uiMessage() const | FileDownloader | virtual |
uiNrDoneText() const | FileDownloader | virtual |
uiStdNrDoneText() | Task | inlinestatic |
urls_ | FileDownloader | protected |
WarningAvailable() | SequentialTask | inlinestatic |
workcontrolcondvar_ | Task | protected |
workControlEnabled() const | Task | |
writeData() | FileDownloader | protected |
writeDataToBuffer(const char *buffer, int size) | FileDownloader | protected |
writeDataToFile(const char *buffer, int size) | FileDownloader | protected |
~CallBacker() | CallBacker | virtual |
~FileDownloader() | FileDownloader | |
~NamedObject() | NamedObject | virtual |
~SequentialTask() | SequentialTask | virtual |
~Task() | Task | virtual |