Object with a name.
Inherits CallBacker.
Inherited by BaseMapObject, BasicComponentInfo, BatchProgram, ColTab::Sequence, CtxtIOObj, DataPack, DisplayPropertyLink, ElasticFormula, EM::RegionBoundary, EnumDef, Geometry::RandomLine, i_LayoutMngr, IODir, IODirEntry, IOMan, IOObj, IOObjContext, IOPar, MMProc::AssetMgr, MMProc::ProgSpec, MMProc::ProgSpec::Option, OD::IconFile, Pick::Set, Pick::SetMgr, PreStack::MuteDef, ProbDenFunc, PropertyRef, RockPhysics::Formula, RockPhysics::Formula::ConstDef, RockPhysics::Formula::VarDef, SEGY::HdrCalcSet, Seis2DDataSet, SelectionGrp, Strat::Content, Strat::LaySeqAttrib, Strat::LaySeqAttribSet, Strat::Level, Strat::Lithology, StratSynthLevel, SurveyInfo, SyntheticData, Table::FormatDesc, Table::TargetInfo, Table::TargetInfo::Form, Task, Timer, uiApplService, uiGraphicsScene, uiParentBody, uiPixmap, UnitOfMeasure, visBeachBall::BallDynamics, visBeachBall::BallProperties, Wavelet, Well::DahObj, Well::Data, Well::Info, and Well::Marker.
Object with a name.
The NamedObject has a name and it can notify another NamedObject when it is about to be deleted. The name may either be a string of the object itself, or the name of another object, linked directly. This not only saves memory, but allows for names that are fundamentally linked.
The name() function delivers a string that can be displayed to users in lists, trees, etc, and it is usable as a key. For displaying as annotation, use annotName(). This string is clean from keying details, just as users would expect it on maps etc.
NamedObject::NamedObject |
( |
const char * |
nm = 0 | ) |
NamedObject::NamedObject |
( |
const NamedObject * |
linkedto | ) |
virtual NamedObject::~NamedObject |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
virtual const OD::String& NamedObject::annotName |
( |
| ) |
const |
inlinevirtual |
void NamedObject::deleteNotify |
( |
const CallBack & |
| ) |
virtual const OD::String& NamedObject::name |
( |
| ) |
const |
inlinevirtual |
bool NamedObject::operator== |
( |
const NamedObject & |
oth | ) |
const |
inline |
void NamedObject::setCleanName |
( |
const char * |
| ) |
virtual void NamedObject::setName |
( |
const char * |
| ) |
virtual |