OpendTect-6_4  6.4
Classes | Typedefs
FlatView Namespace Reference


class  Annotation
 Annotation data for flatviewers. More...
class  Appearance
 Flatviewer appearance. More...
class  AuxData
 Class that represents non-bitmap data to be displayed in a flatviewer, such as markers, lines and more. More...
class  AuxDataEditor
 Editor for FlatView::AuxData. Allows the end-user to click-drag-release the points in data. Users of the class have the choice if the editor should do the changes for them, or if they want to do changes themself, driven by the callback. More...
class  DataDispPars
 Data display parameters. More...
class  Sower
 Class to sow/select points with mouse. More...
class  uiAuxDataDisplay
 Auxiliary data display of flatviewers. More...
class  Viewer
 Flat Viewer using FlatView::Data and FlatView::Appearance. More...
class  ZoomMgr
 Manages zoom factors. Will always provide a new zoom when forward() called, using fwdFac(). For back, will stop at initial. More...


typedef Geom::Point2D< double > Point
typedef Geom::PosRectangle< double > Rect

Typedef Documentation

typedef Geom::Point2D<double> FlatView::Point

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019