OpendTect-6_4  6.4
Taper Namespace Reference

Taper an indexable array from 1 to taperfactor. If lowpos is less than highpos, the samples array[0] to array[lowpos] will be set to zero. If lowpos is more than highpos, the samples array[lowpos] to array[sz-1] will be set to zero. The taper can be either cosine or linear. More...


enum  Type { Cosine, Linear }

Detailed Description

Taper an indexable array from 1 to taperfactor. If lowpos is less than highpos, the samples array[0] to array[lowpos] will be set to zero. If lowpos is more than highpos, the samples array[lowpos] to array[sz-1] will be set to zero. The taper can be either cosine or linear.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019