OpendTect-6_4  6.4
plfdefs.h File Reference
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#define __islinux__   false
#define __ismac__   false
#define __iswin__   false
#define __little__   1
#define __islittle__   true
#define mUnusedVar
#define mDeprecated
#define mStartAllowDeprecatedSection
#define mStopAllowDeprecatedSection
#define mODRestrict   __restrict__
#define NeedFunctionPrototypes   1
#define _ANSI_C_SOURCE   1

Macro Definition Documentation

#define __islinux__   false

For every platform, one of the following variables must be set by cmake:

    __lux64__, __lux32__    Linux
    __win64__, __win32__    MS Windows
    __mac__                 Apple Mac OSX

Then you get: OS type:

    __unix__        Unix
    __lux__         Linux
    __win__         Windows


    __win32__       Windows 32 bits (x86)
    __win64__       Windows 64 bits (AMD)
    __lux32__       Linux 32 bits (x86)
    __lux64__       Linux 64 bits (AMD)
    __mac__         Mac

    __plfsubdir__   String like "win32", "lux32" etc.
    __plfname__     String like "MS Windows 32 bits", "Linux 32 bits"

Compiler type:

    __gnuc__        GNU gcc
    __msvc__        MS Visual C++


    __cpp__         C++ (else C)

Byte order:

    __little__      little-endian

Always defined:

    __islittle__    'true' if little endian machine, false otherwise
    __islinux__     'true' on Linux, 'false' otherwise
    __is32bits__    'true' on 32 bits platforms, 'false' otherwise
    __ismac__       'true' on Mac, 'false' otherwise
    __iswin__       'true' on Windows, 'false' otherwise
#define __islittle__   true
#define __ismac__   false
#define __iswin__   false
#define __little__   1
#define _ANSI_C_SOURCE   1
#define mDeprecated
#define mODRestrict   __restrict__
#define mStartAllowDeprecatedSection
#define mStopAllowDeprecatedSection
#define mUnusedVar
#define NeedFunctionPrototypes   1

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019