class | Quaternion |
| Quaternion is an extension to complex numbers. More...
class | ParamLine2 |
| A ParamLine2 is a line in space, with the following equations: More...
class | Line2 |
| A Line2 is a line on XY-plane, and it is defined in slope-intercept form y = slope*x + y-intercept; for making operations easier. More...
class | Line3 |
| A Line3 is a line in space, with the following equations: More...
class | Plane3 |
| A Plane3 is a plane in space, with the equation: Ax + By + Cz + D = 0. More...
class | Plane3CoordSystem |
| Defines a 2D coordinate system on a 3D plane and transforms between the 3D space and the coordinate system. More...
class | Sphere |
| Represents a point in spherical coordinates. The angle phi lies in the horizontal plane, theta in the vertical plane. More...
void | interpolateOnTriangle2D (const Coord pt, const Coord a, const Coord b, const Coord c, double &weight_a, double &weight_b, double &weight_c) |
| Given a point pt in a triangle ABC, we calculate the interpolation weights for each vertex. More...
double | determinent33 (const double *v) |
| Here are some commonly used functions to judge the position relation between point and line, point and triangle, point and circle or sphere. More...
double | determinent44 (const Coord3 &r0, const Coord3 &r1, const Coord3 &r2, const Coord3 &r3) |
double | determinent44 (const double *r0, const double *r1, const double *r2, const double *r3) |
bool | isInsideCircle (const Coord &pt, const Coord &p1, const Coord &p2, const Coord &p3) |
bool | isInsideCircumSphere (const Coord3 &p, const Coord3 &a, const Coord3 &b, const Coord3 &c, const Coord3 &d) |
bool | sameSide2D (const Coord &p1, const Coord &p2, const Coord &a, const Coord &b, double epsilon) |
bool | sameSide3D (const Coord3 &p1, const Coord3 &p2, const Coord3 &a, const Coord3 &b, double epsilon) |
bool | pointInTriangle2D (const Coord &p, const Coord &a, const Coord &b, const Coord &c, double epsilon) |
bool | pointInTriangle3D (const Coord3 &p, const Coord3 &a, const Coord3 &b, const Coord3 &c, double epsilon, bool useangularmethod) |
bool | pointInTriangle3D (const Coord3 &p, const Coord3 &a, const Coord3 &b, const Coord3 &c, double epsilon) |
bool | pointOnEdge2D (const Coord &p, const Coord &a, const Coord &b, double epsilon) |
bool | pointOnEdge3D (const Coord3 &p, const Coord3 &a, const Coord3 &b, double epsilon) |
bool | pointInPolygon (const Coord3 &pt, const TypeSet< Coord3 > &plgknots, double epsilon) |
TypeSet< Vector3 > * | makeSphereVectorSet (double dangle) |
| Divides a sphere in a number of vectors, divided by approximately dangle from each other. dradius is given in radians. More...
Coord3 | estimateAverageVector (const TypeSet< Coord3 > &, bool normalize, bool checkforundefs) |
| Computes an average of a number of vectors using: More...
Sphere | cartesian2Spherical (const Coord3 &, bool math) |
Coord3 | spherical2Cartesian (const Sphere &, bool math) |