OpendTect-6_4  6.4
Classes | Macros
uiodannottreeitem.h File Reference
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class  uiODAnnotParentTreeItem
class  uiODAnnotTreeItemFactory
class  uiODAnnotTreeItem
class  uiODAnnotSubItem
class  ScaleBarSubItem
class  ArrowSubItem
class  ImageSubItem
class  ArrowParentItem
class  ImageParentItem
class  ScaleBarParentItem


#define mDefineParentItem(type, typestr, defsz)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define mDefineParentItem (   type,
class type##ParentItem : public uiODAnnotTreeItem \
{ \
public: \
type##ParentItem() \
: uiODAnnotTreeItem(typestr)\
{ \
mAttachCB( Pick::Mgr().setToBeRemoved, \
type##ParentItem::setRemovedCB ); \
} \
protected: \
uiTreeItem* createSubItem(int di,Pick::Set& pck) \
{ return new type##SubItem(pck,di); } \
const char* managerName() const { return type##SubItem::sKeyManager(); } \
const char* oldSelKey() const { return typestr.getFullString().buf(); } \
int defScale() const { return defsz; } \
}; \
To be able to send and/or receive CallBacks, inherit from this class.
Definition: callback.h:272
virtual int defScale() const
Definition: uiodannottreeitem.h:62
Set of picks with something in common.
Definition: pickset.h:31
uiODAnnotTreeItem(const uiString &)
void setRemovedCB(CallBacker *)
virtual const char * oldSelKey() const =0
Definition: uiodannottreeitem.h:47
virtual const char * managerName() const =0
SetMgr & Mgr()
Definition: picksetmgr.h:126
virtual uiTreeItem * createSubItem(int, Pick::Set &)=0
#define mAttachCB(notifier, func)
Definition: callback.h:314

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019