OpendTect  7.0
ArrayNDInfo Member List

This is the complete list of members for ArrayNDInfo, including all inherited members.

calcTotalSz() constArrayNDInfoprotected
clone() const =0ArrayNDInfopure virtual
dim_idx_type typedefArrayNDInfo
getArrayPos(std::uint64_t, int *) constArrayNDInfovirtual
getNDim() const =0ArrayNDInfopure virtual
getOffset(const int *) constArrayNDInfovirtual
getSize(int dim) const =0ArrayNDInfopure virtual
getTotalSz() constArrayNDInfovirtual
idx_type typedefArrayNDInfo
isOK() constArrayNDInfovirtual
NDPos typedefArrayNDInfo
NDPosBuf typedefArrayNDInfo
NDSize typedefArrayNDInfo
nr_dims_type typedefArrayNDInfo
nrDims() constArrayNDInfoinline
offset_type typedefArrayNDInfo
setSize(int dim, int sz)ArrayNDInfovirtual
size_type typedefArrayNDInfo
total_size_type typedefArrayNDInfo
validDimPos(int dim, int pos) constArrayNDInfo
validPos(const int *) constArrayNDInfovirtual

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024