OpendTect  7.0
Here is a list of all modules:
 AlgoAlgebra, Calculus and Geometry related tools
 AttributeEngineManages attribute computations
 AttributesThis module contains the definition of 'standard' attributes
 BasicBasic purpose utilities
 BatchCore tools for batch processing
 CRSCoordinate Reference System
 EMAttribClasses which need access to both EarthModel and Attributes
 EarthModelModule with classes related to horizons, faults and bodies
 GeneralGeneral purpose classes
 GeometryThis module contains classes to store geometry of horizons, faults, etc
 MMProcThis module contains Multi Machine Processing classes
 MPEEngineThis module contains horizon and fault tracking classes
 NLANon-Linear Analysis
 NetworkThis module contains all network related classes
 ODHDF5Implementation of the HDF5 link
 PreStackProcessingThis module contains support for processing prestack gathers
 SeisThis module contains classes related to handling of Seismic data
 VelocityThis module contains Velocity functions
 WellAll Well related classes
 WellAttribClasses which need access to both Wells and Attributes
 uiAttributesAttribute User Interface
 uiBaseBasic User Interface
 uiCmdDriverUser interface for the Command Driver
 uiEMAttribEMAttrib User Interface
 uiEarthModelEarth Model User Interface
 uiFlatView2D viewer classes
 uiIoUser Interface related to I/O
 uiMPEMPE User Interface
 uiNLANon-Linear Analysis User Interface
 uiODMainOpendTect Top Level
 uiOSGWhere OSG meets Qt
 uiPreStackProcessingPrestack Processing User Interface
 uiSeisSeismic Data User Interface
 uiStratStratigraphy User Interface
 uiToolsUser Interface Tools
 uiVelocityVelocity User Interface
 uiViewer2DOpendTect's 2D Viewer
 uiVisVisualization User Interface
 uiVolumeProcessingVolume Processing User Interface
 uiWellWell User Interface
 uiWellAttribWellAttrib User Interface
 visBaseVisualization - OpenSceneGraph-based tools
 visSurvey3D Visualization - OpendTect specific

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024