![]() |
Algo | Algebra, Calculus and Geometry related tools |
AttributeEngine | Manages attribute computations |
Attributes | This module contains the definition of 'standard' attributes |
Basic | Basic purpose utilities |
Batch | Core tools for batch processing |
CRS | Coordinate Reference System |
EMAttrib | Classes which need access to both EarthModel and Attributes |
EarthModel | Module with classes related to horizons, faults and bodies |
General | General purpose classes |
Geometry | This module contains classes to store geometry of horizons, faults, etc |
MMProc | This module contains Multi Machine Processing classes |
MPEEngine | This module contains horizon and fault tracking classes |
NLA | Non-Linear Analysis |
Network | This module contains all network related classes |
ODHDF5 | Implementation of the HDF5 link |
PreStackProcessing | This module contains support for processing prestack gathers |
Seis | This module contains classes related to handling of Seismic data |
Strat | Stratigraphy |
Velocity | This module contains Velocity functions |
VolumeProcessing | VolumeProcessing |
Well | All Well related classes |
WellAttrib | Classes which need access to both Wells and Attributes |
uiAttributes | Attribute User Interface |
uiBase | Basic User Interface |
uiCmdDriver | User interface for the Command Driver |
uiEMAttrib | EMAttrib User Interface |
uiEarthModel | Earth Model User Interface |
uiFlatView | 2D viewer classes |
uiIo | User Interface related to I/O |
uiMPE | MPE User Interface |
uiNLA | Non-Linear Analysis User Interface |
uiODMain | OpendTect Top Level |
uiOSG | Where OSG meets Qt |
uiPreStackProcessing | Prestack Processing User Interface |
uiSeis | Seismic Data User Interface |
uiStrat | Stratigraphy User Interface |
uiSysAdm | |
uiTools | User Interface Tools |
uiVelocity | Velocity User Interface |
uiViewer2D | OpendTect's 2D Viewer |
uiVis | Visualization User Interface |
uiVolumeProcessing | Volume Processing User Interface |
uiWell | Well User Interface |
uiWellAttrib | WellAttrib User Interface |
visBase | Visualization - OpenSceneGraph-based tools |
visSurvey | 3D Visualization - OpendTect specific |
Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024