![]() |
This is the complete list of members for Attrib::DescSet, including all inherited members.
addDesc(Desc *, DescID newid=DescID()) | Attrib::DescSet | |
attachCB(const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &, bool onlyifnew=false) const | CallBacker | |
attachCB(const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb, bool onlyifnew=false) const | CallBacker | |
attachednotifiers_ | CallBacker | private |
attachednotifierslock_ | CallBacker | mutableprivate |
CallBacker() | CallBacker | |
CallBacker(const CallBacker &) | CallBacker | |
cleanUpDescsMissingInputs() | Attrib::DescSet | |
containsStoredDescOnly() const | Attrib::DescSet | inline |
couldbeanydim_ | Attrib::DescSet | protected |
couldBeUsedInAnyDimension() const | Attrib::DescSet | inline |
createAndAddMultOutDescs(const DescID &, const TypeSet< int > &, const BufferStringSet &, TypeSet< DescID > &) | Attrib::DescSet | |
createDataPointSet(Attrib::DescSetup, bool withstored=true) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
createDesc(const BufferString &, const IOPar &, const BufferString &, uiStringSet *) | Attrib::DescSet | static |
createDesc(const BufferString &, const IOPar &, const BufferString &) | Attrib::DescSet | |
createReceiverForCurrentThread() | CallBacker | static |
createSteeringDesc(const IOPar &, BufferString, ObjectSet< Desc > &, int &id, uiStringSet *errmsgs=0) | Attrib::DescSet | |
createStoredDesc(const MultiID &, int selout, const BufferString &compnm) | Attrib::DescSet | |
defattribid_ | Attrib::DescSet | mutableprotected |
defidstr_ | Attrib::DescSet | mutableprotected |
definitionStr() | Attrib::DescSet | inlinestatic |
desc(int idx) | Attrib::DescSet | inline |
desc(int idx) const | Attrib::DescSet | inline |
descs_ | Attrib::DescSet | protected |
DescSet(bool is2d) | Attrib::DescSet | |
DescSet(const DescSet &) | Attrib::DescSet | |
descToBeRemoved | Attrib::DescSet | |
detachAllNotifiers() const | CallBacker | |
detachCB(const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &) const | CallBacker | |
detachCB(const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb) const | CallBacker | inline |
ensureDefStoredPresent() const | Attrib::DescSet | |
errMsg() const | Attrib::DescSet | |
errmsg_ | Attrib::DescSet | protected |
exportToDot(const char *nm, const char *fnm) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
fillInAttribColRefs(BufferStringSet &) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
fillInSelSpecs(Attrib::DescSetup, TypeSet< Attrib::SelSpec > &) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
fillInUIInputList(BufferStringSet &) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
fillPar(IOPar &) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
getAttribNames(BufferStringSet &, bool inclhidden) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
getDesc(const DescID &id) | Attrib::DescSet | inline |
getDesc(const DescID &id) const | Attrib::DescSet | inline |
getDescFromUIListEntry(FileMultiString) | Attrib::DescSet | |
getFirstStored(bool usesteering=true) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
getFreeID() const | Attrib::DescSet | protected |
getID(const Desc &) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
getID(int) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
getID(const char *ref, bool isusrref, bool mustbestored=false, bool usestorinfo=false) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
getIds(TypeSet< DescID > &) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
getStoredID(const MultiID &, int selout) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
getStoredID(const MultiID &, int selout, bool create, bool blindcomp=false, const char *blindcompnm=0) | Attrib::DescSet | |
getStoredIds(TypeSet< DescID > &) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
getStoredKey(const DescID &) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
getStoredNames(BufferStringSet &) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
gtDesc(const DescID &) const | Attrib::DescSet | private |
handleOldAttributes(BufferString &, IOPar &, BufferString &, int) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
handleOldMathExpression(IOPar &, BufferString &, int) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
handleReferenceInput(Desc *) | Attrib::DescSet | |
handleStorageOldFormat(IOPar &) | Attrib::DescSet | |
hasStoredInMem() const | Attrib::DescSet | |
hiddenStr() | Attrib::DescSet | inlinestatic |
highestIDStr() | Attrib::DescSet | inlinestatic |
ids_ | Attrib::DescSet | protected |
indexOf(const char *nm, bool usrref=true) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
indexStr() | Attrib::DescSet | inlinestatic |
inputPrefixStr() | Attrib::DescSet | inlinestatic |
insertDesc(Desc *, int, DescID newid=DescID()) | Attrib::DescSet | |
is2D() const | Attrib::DescSet | inline |
is2d_ | Attrib::DescSet | protected |
isAttribUsed(const DescID &, BufferString &) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
isAttribUsed(const DescID &) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
isCapsule() const | CallBacker | inlinevirtual |
isEmpty() const | Attrib::DescSet | inline |
isNotifierAttached(const NotifierAccess *) const | CallBacker | |
isPresent(const char *nm, bool usr=true) const | Attrib::DescSet | inline |
moveDescUpDown(const DescID &, bool) | Attrib::DescSet | |
notifyShutdown(const NotifierAccess *, bool wait) const | CallBacker | private |
nrDescs(bool inclstored, bool inclhidden) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
operator=(const DescSet &) | Attrib::DescSet | |
operator[](int idx) | Attrib::DescSet | inline |
operator[](int idx) const | Attrib::DescSet | inline |
optimizeClone(const DescID &targetid) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
optimizeClone(const TypeSet< DescID > &) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
optimizeClone(const BufferStringSet &) const | Attrib::DescSet | |
removeAll(bool kpdefault) | Attrib::DescSet | |
removeDesc(const DescID &) | Attrib::DescSet | |
removeReceiverForCurrentThread() | CallBacker | static |
removeUnused(bool removestored=false, bool kpdefault=true) | Attrib::DescSet | |
setAllInputDescs(int, const IOPar &, uiStringSet *) | Attrib::DescSet | |
setContainStoredDescOnly(bool yn) | Attrib::DescSet | |
setCouldBeUsedInAnyDimension(bool yn) | Attrib::DescSet | inline |
sFactoryEntryNotFound(const char *attrnm) | Attrib::DescSet | static |
size() const | Attrib::DescSet | inline |
sortDescSet() | Attrib::DescSet | |
stopReceivingNotifications() const | CallBacker | inline |
storedattronly_ | Attrib::DescSet | protected |
storedIDErrStr() | Attrib::DescSet | inlinestatic |
trueCaller() | CallBacker | inlinevirtual |
updateInputs() | Attrib::DescSet | |
useOldSteeringPar(IOPar &, ObjectSet< Desc > &, uiStringSet *) | Attrib::DescSet | |
usePar(const IOPar &, uiStringSet *errmsgs=0) | Attrib::DescSet | |
userRefStr() | Attrib::DescSet | inlinestatic |
~CallBacker() | CallBacker | virtual |
~DescSet() | Attrib::DescSet | inline |
Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024