OpendTect  7.0
Geom::Rectangle< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Geom::Rectangle< T >, including all inherited members.

bottom() constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
bottomLeft() constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
bottomRight() constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
bottomright_Geom::Rectangle< T >protected
centre() constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
checkCorners(bool leftislow=true, bool topislow=true) constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
height() constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
include(const Rectangle< T > &)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
include(const Point2D< T > &)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
isDefined() constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
left() constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
limitTo(const Rectangle< T > &)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
moveInside(const Point2D< T > &) constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
operator!=(const Rectangle< T > &) constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
operator+=(const Point2D< T > &)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
operator+=(const Size2D< T > &)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
operator-=(const Point2D< T > &)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
operator-=(const Size2D< T > &)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
operator==(const Rectangle< T > &) constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
operator>(const Rectangle< T > &) constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
Rectangle(T l=0, T t=0, T r=0, T b=0)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
Rectangle(const Point2D< T > &tl, const Point2D< T > &br)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
Rectangle(const Point2D< T > &tl, const Size2D< T > &sz)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
revX() constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
revY() constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
right() constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
setBottom(T val)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
setBottomLeft(Point2D< T >)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
setBottomRight(Point2D< T >)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
setLeft(T val)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
setLeftRight(const Interval< T > &)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
setRight(T val)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
setTop(T val)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
setTopBottom(const Interval< T > &)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
setTopLeft(Point2D< T >)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
setTopRight(Point2D< T >)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
size() constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
sortCorners(bool leftislow=true, bool topislow=true)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
swapHor()Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
swapVer()Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
top() constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
topLeft() constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
topleft_Geom::Rectangle< T >protected
topRight() constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
translate(const Point2D< T > &)Geom::Rectangle< T >inline
width() constGeom::Rectangle< T >inline
zero()Geom::Rectangle< T >inline

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024