![]() |
This is the complete list of members for MathProperty, including all inherited members.
attachCB(const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &, bool onlyifnew=false) const | CallBacker | |
attachCB(const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb, bool onlyifnew=false) const | CallBacker | |
attachednotifiers_ | CallBacker | private |
attachednotifierslock_ | CallBacker | mutableprivate |
CallBacker() | CallBacker | |
CallBacker(const CallBacker &) | CallBacker | |
clone() const override | MathProperty | inlinevirtual |
create(const PropertyRef &pr) | MathProperty | inlinestatic |
createReceiverForCurrentThread() | CallBacker | static |
def() const override | MathProperty | virtual |
dependsOn(const Property &) const override | MathProperty | virtual |
detachAllNotifiers() const | CallBacker | |
detachCB(const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &) const | CallBacker | |
detachCB(const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb) const | CallBacker | inline |
doUnitChange(const UnitOfMeasure *olduom, const UnitOfMeasure *newuom) override | MathProperty | privatevirtual |
errMsg() const override | MathProperty | inlinevirtual |
errmsg_ | MathProperty | mutableprotected |
factoryKeyword() const override | MathProperty | inline |
fillPar(IOPar &) const | Property | |
form_ | MathProperty | protected |
formText(bool user_display=false) const | MathProperty | |
fulldef_ | MathProperty | mutableprotected |
get(const IOPar &) | Property | static |
getForm() | MathProperty | inline |
getForm() const | MathProperty | inline |
getSpecVars() | MathProperty | static |
gtVal(EvalOpts) const override | MathProperty | protectedvirtual |
hasCyclicalDependency(BufferStringSet &inputnms) const | MathProperty | |
haveInput(int idx) const | MathProperty | inline |
init(const PropertySet &) const override | MathProperty | virtual |
initClass() | MathProperty | inlinestatic |
inps_ | MathProperty | mutableprotected |
inputMnemonic(int) const | MathProperty | |
inputName(int) const | MathProperty | |
inputType(int) const | MathProperty | |
inputUnit(int) const | MathProperty | |
isCapsule() const | CallBacker | inlinevirtual |
isConst(int) const | MathProperty | |
isEqualTo(const Property &) const | Property | |
isFormula() const override | MathProperty | inlinevirtual |
isNotifierAttached(const NotifierAccess *) const | CallBacker | |
isRange() const | Property | inlinevirtual |
isUdf() const override | MathProperty | virtual |
isValue() const | Property | inlinevirtual |
lastval_ | Property | mutableprotected |
matches(const char *nm, bool matchaliases) const | Property | |
matches(const char *nm, bool matchaliases, float *matchval) const | Property | |
MathProperty(const PropertyRef &, const char *def=nullptr) | MathProperty | |
MathProperty(const MathProperty &) | MathProperty | |
mn() const | Property | inline |
name() const | Property | |
notifyShutdown(const NotifierAccess *, bool wait) const | CallBacker | private |
nrInputs() const | MathProperty | |
Property(const PropertyRef &) | Property | |
ref() const | Property | inline |
ref_ | Property | protected |
removeReceiverForCurrentThread() | CallBacker | static |
reset() | Property | inlinevirtual |
setDef(const char *) override | MathProperty | virtual |
setInput(int, const Property *) | MathProperty | |
setPreV5Def(const char *) | MathProperty | protected |
setUnit(const UnitOfMeasure *) | MathProperty | |
stopReceivingNotifications() const | CallBacker | inline |
trueCaller() | CallBacker | inlinevirtual |
type() const override | MathProperty | inlinevirtual |
typeStr() | MathProperty | inlinestatic |
unit() const | MathProperty | |
unitChangedCB(CallBacker *) | Property | private |
usePar(const IOPar &) | Property | |
value(EvalOpts eo=EvalOpts()) const | Property | inline |
~CallBacker() | CallBacker | virtual |
~MathProperty() | MathProperty | |
~Property() | Property | virtual |
Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024