OpendTect  7.0
ODPolygon< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for ODPolygon< T >, including all inherited members.

add(const Geom::Point2D< T > &vtx)ODPolygon< T >inline
anticlockwise() constODPolygon< T >inline
area() constODPolygon< T >inline
clockwise() constODPolygon< T >inline
closed_ODPolygon< T >protected
convexHull()ODPolygon< T >inline
data() constODPolygon< T >inline
distTo(const Geom::Point2D< T > &refpt, int *segmentidxptr=0, double *fractionptr=0) constODPolygon< T >inline
distToSegment(const Geom::Point2D< T > &p1, const Geom::Point2D< T > &p2, const Geom::Point2D< T > &refpt, double *fractionptr=0)ODPolygon< T >inlineprotectedstatic
doCoincide(const Geom::Point2D< T > &point1, const Geom::Point2D< T > &point2, T eps=mDefEps)ODPolygon< T >inlineprotectedstatic
doSegmentsMeet(const Geom::Point2D< T > &p1, const Geom::Point2D< T > &p2, const Geom::Point2D< T > &q1, const Geom::Point2D< T > &q2, T eps)ODPolygon< T >inlineprotectedstatic
erase()ODPolygon< T >inline
getData(bool of_x, TypeSet< T > &) constODPolygon< T >inline
getRange(bool of_x) constODPolygon< T >inline
getUdf() constODPolygon< T >inline
getVertex(int idx) constODPolygon< T >inline
insert(int idx, const Geom::Point2D< T > &vtx)ODPolygon< T >inline
isClosed() constODPolygon< T >inline
isEdgeCrossing(const Geom::Point2D< T > &raydir, const Geom::Point2D< T > &raysrc, const Geom::Point2D< T > &vtx1, const Geom::Point2D< T > &vtx2)ODPolygon< T >inlineprotectedstatic
isEmpty() constODPolygon< T >inline
isInside(const Geom::Point2D< T > &, bool inclborder, T eps) constODPolygon< T >inline
isInside(const ODPolygon &testpoly, T eps=0) constODPolygon< T >inline
isOnHalfLine(const Geom::Point2D< T > &point, const Geom::Point2D< T > &dirvec, const Geom::Point2D< T > &endvec, T eps)ODPolygon< T >inlineprotectedstatic
isOnLine(const Geom::Point2D< T > &point, const Geom::Point2D< T > &dirvec, const Geom::Point2D< T > &posvec, T eps)ODPolygon< T >inlineprotectedstatic
isOnSegment(const Geom::Point2D< T > &pt, const Geom::Point2D< T > &pt0, const Geom::Point2D< T > &pt1, T eps)ODPolygon< T >inlineprotectedstatic
isRightOfLine(const Geom::Point2D< T > &point, const Geom::Point2D< T > &dirvec, const Geom::Point2D< T > &posvec)ODPolygon< T >inlineprotectedstatic
isSelfIntersecting() constODPolygon< T >inline
isUTurn(int idx) constODPolygon< T >inline
keepBendPoints(float eps)ODPolygon< T >inline
maxDistToBorderEstimate(double maxrelerr=0.001) constODPolygon< T >inline
nextVertex(int idx) constODPolygon< T >inline
ODPolygon()ODPolygon< T >inline
ODPolygon(const TypeSet< Geom::Point2D< T > > &plg)ODPolygon< T >inline
operator==(const ODPolygon< T > &) constODPolygon< T >inline
operator>(const ODPolygon< T > &plg) constODPolygon< T >inline
poly_ODPolygon< T >protected
prevVertex(int idx) constODPolygon< T >inline
remove(int idx)ODPolygon< T >inline
removeZeroLengths()ODPolygon< T >inline
reverse()ODPolygon< T >inline
segmentMeetsBorder(const Geom::Point2D< T > &pt1, const Geom::Point2D< T > &pt2, T eps) constODPolygon< T >inline
setClosed(bool yn)ODPolygon< T >inline
setEmpty()ODPolygon< T >inline
setUdf(Geom::Point2D< T > pt)ODPolygon< T >inline
sgnArea2() constODPolygon< T >inlineprotected
sgnDistToLine(const Geom::Point2D< T > &point, const Geom::Point2D< T > &dirvec, const Geom::Point2D< T > &posvec)ODPolygon< T >inlineprotectedstatic
size() constODPolygon< T >inline
udf_ODPolygon< T >protected
validIdx(int idx) constODPolygon< T >inline
windowOverlaps(const Interval< T > &xrange, const Interval< T > &yrange, T eps) constODPolygon< T >inline
xrg_ODPolygon< T >mutableprotected
yrg_ODPolygon< T >mutableprotected

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024