This is the complete list of members for PCA, including all inherited members.
addSample(const IDXABL &sample) | PCA | inline |
calculate() | PCA | |
clearAllSamples() | PCA | |
covariancematrix_ | PCA | protected |
eigenvalues_ | PCA | protected |
eigenvecindexes_ | PCA | protected |
getEigenValue(int idx) const | PCA | |
getEigenVector(int idx, IDXABL &vec) const | PCA | inline |
nrvars_ | PCA | protected |
PCA(int nrvars) | PCA | |
samples_ | PCA | protected |
samplesums_ | PCA | protected |
tasks_ | PCA | protected |
tqli(float[], float[], int, ObjectSet< float > &) | PCA | protected |
tred2(ObjectSet< float > &, int, float[], float[]) | PCA | protected |
workload_ | PCA | protected |
~PCA() | PCA | virtual |
Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024