OpendTect  7.0
SEGY::HdrDef Member List

This is the complete list of members for SEGY::HdrDef, including all inherited members.

add(const HdrEntry *t)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
addIfNew(const HdrEntry *)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
allow0_ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >protected
allowNull(bool yn=true)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
append(const ObjectSet &)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
begin()ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
begin() constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
cbegin() constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
cend() constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
clone() const overrideObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
const_iterator typedefObjectSet< const HdrEntry >
const_reference typedefObjectSet< const HdrEntry >
copy(const ObjectSet &)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
difference_type typedefObjectSet< const HdrEntry >
doAdd(const HdrEntry *)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlineprotectedvirtual
empty() constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
end()ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
end() constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
erase() overrideObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
first()ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
first() constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
get(idx_type)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
get(idx_type) constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
get(const const HdrEntry *) constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
getIdx(iterator it) constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
getIdx(const_iterator it) constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
HdrDef(bool binhead)SEGY::HdrDef
idx_type typedefObjectSet< const HdrEntry >
idxOfBytePos(HdrEntry::BytePos, unsigned char &offs) constSEGY::HdrDef
impl_type typedefObjectSet< const HdrEntry >protected
indexOf(const char *nm) constSEGY::HdrDef
indexOf(const HdrEntry *he) const overrideSEGY::HdrDefinline
ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >::indexOf(const const HdrEntry *) constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
insertAfter(const HdrEntry *newptr, idx_type)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
insertAt(const HdrEntry *newptr, idx_type)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
isBin() constSEGY::HdrDefinline
isEmpty() constOD::Setinline
isManaged() constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
isPresent(const const HdrEntry *) constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
iterator typedefObjectSet< const HdrEntry >
last()ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
last() constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
max_size() constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
nrItems() const overrideObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
nullAllowed() constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
object_type typedefObjectSet< const HdrEntry >
ObjectSet()ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
ObjectSet(const HdrEntry *)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlineexplicit
ObjectSet(const HdrEntry *, const HdrEntry *)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlineexplicit
ObjectSet(const HdrEntry *, const HdrEntry *, const HdrEntry *)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlineexplicit
ObjectSet(const ObjectSet &)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
operator!=(const ObjectSet &oth) constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
operator+=(const HdrEntry *t)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
operator-=(const HdrEntry *)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
operator=(const ObjectSet &)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
operator==(const ObjectSet &) constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
operator[](idx_type i)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
operator[](idx_type i) constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
operator[](const const HdrEntry *t) constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
plainErase()ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
pop()ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
push(const HdrEntry *t)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
reference typedefObjectSet< const HdrEntry >
removeRange(idx_type from, idx_type to)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
removeSingle(idx_type, bool keep_order=true)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
replace(idx_type, const HdrEntry *)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
reverse() overrideObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
setNullAllowed(bool yn=true)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
size() constObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
size_type typedefObjectSet< const HdrEntry >
swap(idx_type, idx_type)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
swap(ObjectSet &oth)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
swapItems(std::int64_t i1, std::int64_t i2) overrideObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
swapValues(unsigned char *) constSEGY::HdrDef
useIndexes(const idx_type *)ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inline
validIdx(std::int64_t) const overrideObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual
value_type typedefObjectSet< const HdrEntry >
vec_ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >protected
~ObjectSet()ObjectSet< const HdrEntry >inlinevirtual

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024