OpendTect  7.0
Well::Reader Member List

This is the complete list of members for Well::Reader, including all inherited members.

data() constWell::Readerinline
errMsg() constWell::Readerinline
get() constWell::Reader
getCSMdl() constWell::Reader
getD2T() constWell::Reader
getDefLogs() constWell::Reader
getDispProps() constWell::Reader
getInfo() constWell::Reader
getLog(const char *lognm) constWell::Reader
getLogInfo(BufferStringSet &lognms) constWell::Reader
getLogs(bool needjustinfo=false) constWell::Reader
getMapLocation(Coord &) constWell::Reader
getMarkers() constWell::Reader
getTrack() constWell::Reader
init(const IOObj &, Data &)Well::Readerprivate
isUsable() constWell::Readerinline
Reader(const MultiID &, Data &)Well::Reader
Reader(const IOObj &, Data &)Well::Reader

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024