OpendTect  7.0
ZDomain::Def Member List

This is the complete list of members for ZDomain::Def, including all inherited members.

add(Def *)ZDomain::Defstatic
Def(const char *ky, const uiString &usrnm, const char *defun, int usrfac=1)ZDomain::Definline
entityStr() constZDomain::Definline
get(const char *)ZDomain::Defstatic
get(const IOPar &)ZDomain::Defstatic
getLabel() constZDomain::Def
getRange() constZDomain::Def
isDepth() constZDomain::Def
isSI() constZDomain::Def
isTime() constZDomain::Def
key() constZDomain::Definline
nrZDecimals(float zstep) constZDomain::Def
operator!=(const Def &def) constZDomain::Definline
operator==(const Def &def) constZDomain::Definline
set(IOPar &) constZDomain::Def
uiUnitStr(bool withparens=false) constZDomain::Def
unitStr(bool withparens=false) constZDomain::Def
userFactor() constZDomain::Definline
userName() constZDomain::Definline

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024