OpendTect  7.0
odSurvey Member List

This is the complete list of members for odSurvey, including all inherited members.

activate() constodSurvey
createObj(const char *objname, const char *trgrpnm, const char *translkey, bool overwrite, BufferString &errmsg) constodSurvey
errMsg() constodSurveyinline
get_crsCode() constodSurvey
getCommonItems(const BufferStringSet &, const BufferStringSet &)odSurveystatic
getFeature(OD::JSON::Object &, bool towgs=true) constodSurvey
getFeatures(OD::JSON::Object &, const BufferStringSet &, const char *data_root=nullptr)odSurveystatic
getInfo(OD::JSON::Object &) constodSurvey
getInfos(OD::JSON::Array &, const BufferStringSet &, const char *data_root=nullptr)odSurveystatic
getNames(const char *data_root=nullptr)odSurveystatic
getObjInfos(OD::JSON::Object &, const char *trlgrpnm) constodSurvey
getObjNames(const char *trlgrpnm) constodSurvey
getPoints(OD::JSON::Array &, bool towgs=true) constodSurvey
has2D() constodSurvey
has3D() constodSurvey
initModule(const char *)odSurveystatic
isObjPresent(const char *objname, const char *trgrpnm=nullptr) constodSurvey
isOK() constodSurveyinline
makeCoordsList(OD::JSON::Array &, const TypeSet< Coord > &, bool towgs) constodSurvey
odSurvey(const char *surveynm, const char *basedir=nullptr)odSurvey
removeObj(const char *objname, const char *trgrpnm) constodSurvey
setErrMsg(const char *msg)odSurveyinline
si() constodSurveyinline
surveyPath() constodSurvey
tkFromRanges(const int32_t inlrg[3], const int32_t crlrg[3])odSurveystatic
tkzFromRanges(const int32_t inlrg[3], const int32_t crlrg[3], const float zrg[3], bool zistime)odSurveystatic
type() constodSurvey

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024