![]() |
This is the complete list of members for uiEMPartServer, including all inherited members.
appserv() | uiApplPartServer | |
appserv() const | uiApplPartServer | |
askUserToSave(const EM::ObjectID &, bool withcancl) const | uiEMPartServer | |
attachCB(const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &, bool onlyifnew=false) const | CallBacker | |
attachCB(const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb, bool onlyifnew=false) const | CallBacker | |
attachednotifiers_ | CallBacker | private |
attachednotifierslock_ | CallBacker | mutableprivate |
attr2Geom(const EM::ObjectID &, const char *nm, const DataPointSet &) | uiEMPartServer | |
CallBacker() | CallBacker | |
CallBacker(const CallBacker &) | CallBacker | |
changeAuxData(const EM::ObjectID &, const char *nm, bool interp, DataPointSet &res) | uiEMPartServer | protected |
cleanup() | uiEMPartServer | protected |
computeIsochron() | uiEMPartServer | |
computeVariogramAuxData(const EM::ObjectID &, const char *, DataPointSet &) | uiEMPartServer | |
createHorWithConstZ(bool is2d) | uiEMPartServer | |
createReceiverForCurrentThread() | CallBacker | static |
crhordlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
deriveHor3DFrom2D(const EM::ObjectID &) | uiEMPartServer | |
detachAllNotifiers() const | CallBacker | |
detachCB(const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &) const | CallBacker | |
detachCB(const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb) const | CallBacker | inline |
displayEMObject(const MultiID &) | uiEMPartServer | |
displayOnCreateCB(CallBacker *) | uiEMPartServer | protected |
dispLineOnCreation() | uiEMPartServer | inline |
disponcreation_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
em_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
evDisplayHorizon() | uiEMPartServer | static |
evRemoveTreeObject() | uiEMPartServer | static |
exp2dhordlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
expfltdlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
expfltsetdlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
expfltstickdlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
exphordlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
export2DHorizon(bool bulk=false) | uiEMPartServer | |
export3DHorizon(bool bulk=false) | uiEMPartServer | |
exportFault(bool single=false) | uiEMPartServer | |
exportFaultSet() | uiEMPartServer | |
exportFaultStickSet(bool single=false) | uiEMPartServer | |
fillHoles(const EM::ObjectID &, bool) | uiEMPartServer | |
fillPar(IOPar &) const | uiEMPartServer | |
fillPickSet(Pick::Set &, MultiID) | uiEMPartServer | |
filterAuxData(const EM::ObjectID &, const char *nm, DataPointSet &res) | uiEMPartServer | |
filterSurface(const EM::ObjectID &) | uiEMPartServer | |
genRandLine(int opt) | uiEMPartServer | |
geom2Attr(const EM::ObjectID &) | uiEMPartServer | |
getAllAuxData(const EM::ObjectID &, DataPointSet &, TypeSet< float > *shfs=0, const TrcKeyZSampling *cs=0) const | uiEMPartServer | |
getAllSurfaceInfo(ObjectSet< SurfaceInfo > &, bool) | uiEMPartServer | static |
getAllSurfaceInfo_(ObjectSet< SurfaceInfo > &, bool is2d, const ZDomain::Info *=nullptr) | uiEMPartServer | static |
getAuxData(const EM::ObjectID &, int auxdatanr, DataPointSet &, float &shift) const | uiEMPartServer | |
getHorizonZAxisTransform(bool is2d) | uiEMPartServer | |
getName(const EM::ObjectID &) const | uiEMPartServer | |
getObject(int objid) const | uiApplPartServer | protected |
getObjectID(const MultiID &) const | uiEMPartServer | |
getStorageID(const EM::ObjectID &) const | uiEMPartServer | |
getSurfaceDef2D(const ObjectSet< MultiID > &, const BufferStringSet &sellines, TypeSet< Coord > &, TypeSet< BinID > &, TypeSet< Interval< float > > &) | uiEMPartServer | |
getSurfaceDef2D(const ObjectSet< MultiID > &, const BufferStringSet &sellines, TypeSet< Coord > &, TypeSet< Interval< float > > &) | uiEMPartServer | |
getSurfaceDef3D(const TypeSet< EM::ObjectID > &, BinIDValueSet &, const TrcKeySampling &) const | uiEMPartServer | |
getSurfaceInfo(ObjectSet< SurfaceInfo > &) | uiEMPartServer | |
getType(const EM::ObjectID &) const | uiEMPartServer | |
getUiName(const EM::ObjectID &) const | uiEMPartServer | |
getUiType(const EM::ObjectID &) const | uiEMPartServer | |
horizon3DDisplayRange() const | uiEMPartServer | inline |
impbulk2dhordlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
impbulkfltdlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
impbulkfssdlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
impbulkhordlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
impfltdlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
impfltsetdlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
impfltstickdlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
impfss2ddlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
imphorattrdlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
imphorgeomdlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
import2DFaultStickset() | uiEMPartServer | |
import3DHorAttr() | uiEMPartServer | |
import3DHorGeom(bool bulk=false) | uiEMPartServer | |
importBulk2DFaultStickset() | uiEMPartServer | |
importBulk2DHorizon() | uiEMPartServer | |
importBulkFaults() | uiEMPartServer | |
importBulkFaultStickSet(bool is2d=false) | uiEMPartServer | |
importFault() | uiEMPartServer | |
importFaultSet() | uiEMPartServer | |
importFaultStickSet() | uiEMPartServer | |
importHorFromZMap() | uiEMPartServer | |
importReadyCB(CallBacker *) | uiEMPartServer | protected |
impzmapdlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
interpolateAuxData(const EM::ObjectID &, const char *nm, DataPointSet &res) | uiEMPartServer | |
isCapsule() const | CallBacker | inlinevirtual |
isChanged(const EM::ObjectID &) const | uiEMPartServer | |
isEmpty(const EM::ObjectID &) const | uiEMPartServer | |
isFullResolution(const EM::ObjectID &) const | uiEMPartServer | |
isFullyLoaded(const EM::ObjectID &) const | uiEMPartServer | |
isGeometryChanged(const EM::ObjectID &) const | uiEMPartServer | |
isNotifierAttached(const NotifierAccess *) const | CallBacker | |
launchTime2DepthDlg(uiParent *, EM::IOObjInfo::ObjectType) | uiEMPartServer | static |
launchTime2DepthDlg_(uiParent *, EM::IOObjInfo::ObjectType, bool) | uiEMPartServer | static |
loadAuxData(const EM::ObjectID &, const char *, bool removeold=true) | uiEMPartServer | |
loadAuxData(const EM::ObjectID &, const BufferStringSet &, bool removeold=true) | uiEMPartServer | |
loadAuxData(const EM::ObjectID &, const TypeSet< int > &, bool removeold=true) | uiEMPartServer | protected |
loadSurface(const MultiID &, const EM::SurfaceIODataSelection *s=0) | uiEMPartServer | |
man2dhordlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
man3dfaultdlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
man3dhordlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
manage2DHorizons() | uiEMPartServer | |
manage3DFaults() | uiEMPartServer | |
manage3DHorizons() | uiEMPartServer | |
manageBodies() | uiEMPartServer | |
manageFaultSets() | uiEMPartServer | |
manageFaultStickSets() | uiEMPartServer | |
managePreLoad() | uiEMPartServer | |
manageSurfaces(const char *typ) | uiEMPartServer | |
manbodydlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
manfltsetdlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
manfssdlg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
name() const override | uiEMPartServer | inlinevirtual |
notifyShutdown(const NotifierAccess *, bool wait) const | CallBacker | private |
nrAttributes(const EM::ObjectID &) const | uiEMPartServer | |
parent() const | uiApplPartServer | protected |
parent_ | uiApplPartServer | private |
processTime2Depth(EM::IOObjInfo::ObjectType) | uiEMPartServer | |
processTime2Depth_(EM::IOObjInfo::ObjectType, bool) | uiEMPartServer | |
removeReceiverForCurrentThread() | CallBacker | static |
removeTreeObject(const EM::ObjectID &) | uiEMPartServer | |
removeUndo() | uiEMPartServer | |
selectBodies(ObjectSet< EM::EMObject > &, uiParent *p=0) | uiEMPartServer | |
selectedrg_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
selectFaults(ObjectSet< EM::EMObject > &, bool is2d, uiParent *p=0) | uiEMPartServer | |
selectFaults(ObjectSet< EM::EMObject > &, bool is2d, uiParent *, const ZDomain::Info *) | uiEMPartServer | |
selectFaultSets(ObjectSet< EM::EMObject > &, uiParent *p=0) | uiEMPartServer | |
selectFaultSets(ObjectSet< EM::EMObject > &, uiParent *, const ZDomain::Info *) | uiEMPartServer | |
selectFaultStickSets(ObjectSet< EM::EMObject > &, uiParent *p=0) | uiEMPartServer | |
selectFaultStickSets(ObjectSet< EM::EMObject > &, uiParent *, const ZDomain::Info *) | uiEMPartServer | |
selectHorizons(ObjectSet< EM::EMObject > &, bool is2d, uiParent *p=0) | uiEMPartServer | |
selectHorizons(ObjectSet< EM::EMObject > &, bool is2d, uiParent *, const ZDomain::Info *) | uiEMPartServer | |
selectSurfaces(uiParent *, ObjectSet< EM::EMObject > &, const char *type) | uiEMPartServer | protected |
selectSurfaces(uiParent *, ObjectSet< EM::EMObject > &, const char *type, const ZDomain::Info *) | uiEMPartServer | protected |
selEMID() const | uiEMPartServer | inline |
selemid_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
selEMObject() | uiEMPartServer | |
sendEvent(int evid) const | uiApplPartServer | protected |
setAuxData(const EM::ObjectID &, DataPointSet &, const char *nm, int valnr, float shift) | uiEMPartServer | |
setHorizon3DDisplayRange(const TrcKeySampling &) | uiEMPartServer | |
setParent(uiParent *) | uiApplPartServer | |
showLoadAuxDataDlg(const EM::ObjectID &) | uiEMPartServer | |
showLoadFaultAuxDataDlg(const EM::ObjectID &) | uiEMPartServer | |
sKeySectionID() | uiEMPartServer | inlineprotectedstatic |
stopReceivingNotifications() const | CallBacker | inline |
storeAuxData(const EM::ObjectID &, BufferString &auxdataname, bool storeas=false) const | uiEMPartServer | |
storeFaultAuxData(const EM::ObjectID &id, BufferString &auxdatanm, const Array2D< float > &data) | uiEMPartServer | |
storeObject(const EM::ObjectID &, bool storeas=false) const | uiEMPartServer | |
storeObject(const EM::ObjectID &, bool storeas, MultiID &storagekey, float shift=0) const | uiEMPartServer | |
survChangedCB(CallBacker *) | uiEMPartServer | protected |
trueCaller() | CallBacker | inlinevirtual |
uiApplPartServer(uiApplService &) | uiApplPartServer | protected |
uias_ | uiApplPartServer | private |
uiEMPartServer(uiApplService &) | uiEMPartServer | |
usePar(const IOPar &) | uiEMPartServer | |
variodlgs_ | uiEMPartServer | protected |
~CallBacker() | CallBacker | virtual |
~uiApplPartServer() | uiApplPartServer | |
~uiEMPartServer() | uiEMPartServer |
Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024