OpendTect  7.0

This module contains Multi Machine Processing classes. More...


class  BatchProgramTracker
class  Batch::ClusterJobDispatcher
 kicks off Cluster job dispatcher. More...
class  Batch::ClusterProgDef
 Base class for Cluster prog definitions. More...
class  CommandString
class  MMProc::ExecProxy
class  HostNFailInfo
 Holds host-specific status information. More...
class  IDKeyReplaceJobDescProv
 KeyReplaceJobDescProv where the values taken from a range of IDs. More...
class  InlineSplitJobDescProv
 Implementation of JobDescProv based upon splitting the inlines in the IOPar. More...
class  JobDescProv
 Interface for providing parameter files for jobs (job descriptions). Two implementations are pre-cooked: KeyReplace-JDP and InlineSplit-JDP. More...
class  JobInfo
 All information on a job. More...
class  JobIOMgr
 Handles starting & stopping of jobs on client machines. Sets up a separate thread to maintain contact with client. More...
class  JobRunner
 Runs all jobs defined by JobDescProv. More...
class  KeyReplaceJobDescProv
 Simple implementation of JobDescProv based on replacing a value in the IOPar with another. More...
class  Line2DSubselJobDescProv
 Special case of ParSubselJobDescProv where each job refers to a 2D Line. The subselkey in this case is "Output.Subsel.Line". More...
class  Batch::MMJobDispatcher
 kicks off MM batch job dispatcher. More...
class  Batch::MMProgDef
class  MMPServer
class  MMPServerClient
class  ParSubselJobDescProv
 IOPar driven implementation of JobDescProv where splitting is based on IOPar subselection with a particular key (subselkey). For instance, an IOPar with entries: More...
class  RemCommHandler
 Handles commands to be executed remotely on a different machine. More...
class  RemoteJobExec
 Remote job executor. More...
class  Batch::SingleJobDispatcher
 kicks off OD batch jobs in a single process. More...
class  StatusInfo
 Encapsulates status message from a running client. More...
class  StringKeyReplaceJobDescProv
 KeyReplaceJobDescProv where the values are in a string set. More...

Detailed Description

This module contains Multi Machine Processing classes.

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024