OpendTect  7.0

EMAttrib User Interface. More...


class  Horizon2DScanner
class  uiEMAttrSelDlg::Setup
class  ui2DGridLines
class  ui2DGridLinesFromInlCrl
class  ui2DGridLinesFromRandLine
class  uiAttrEMOut
 Brief Base class Earth Model Output Batch dialog. Used for calculating attributes in relation with surfaces. More...
class  uiAttrSurfaceOut
 Surface Output Batch dialog. Used for calculating attributes on surfaces. More...
class  uiAttrTrcSelOut
 Trace Selection Output Batch dialog. Used for calculating attributes between surfaces or withing a user-defined interval around a surface. More...
class  uiCreate2DGrid
class  uiEMAttribPartServer
 Part Server for Attribute handling on EarthModel objects. More...
class  uiEMAttrSel
 User interface element for storing attribute desc selection. More...
class  uiEMAttrSelDlg
 User Interface (UI) element for selection of Attributes from an attribute set. More...
class  uiEMRGBAttrSelDlg
class  uiFlatUnflatCube
 Create flattened cube from horizon. More...
class  uiHor2DFrom3DDlg
class  uiHorizonAttrib
 Horizon attribute description editor. More...
class  uiHorizonShiftDialog
class  uiImportHorizon2D
 Dialog for Horizon Import. More...
class  uiSeisEventSnapper
 Part Server for Wells. More...
class  uiStratAmpCalc
class  uiWriteFlattenedCube
 Create flattened cube from horizon. More...

Detailed Description

EMAttrib User Interface.

Here you will find all attribute handling regarding EarthModel objects. The uiEMAttribPartServer delivers the services needed.

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024