OpendTect  7.0

Well User Interface More...


class  uiD2TModelGroup::Setup
class  uiWellMarkerSel::Setup
class  uiWellMarkersDlg::Setup
class  uiWellDispProperties::Setup
class  uiWellZRangeSelector::Setup
class  uiWellExtractParams::Setup
class  uiWellDefMnemLogDlg::Tables
class  uiAddEditMrkrDlg
class  uiBulkD2TModelImport
class  uiBulkDirectionalImport
class  uiBulkLogImport
class  uiBulkMarkerImport
class  uiBulkTrackImport
class  uiCopyWellDlg
class  uiD2TModelDlg
 Dialog for D2T Model editing. More...
class  uiD2TModelGroup
class  uiDispEditMarkerDlg
class  uiExportLogs
 Dialog for writing logs to an ASCII file. More...
class  uiImportLogsDlg
 Dialog for loading logs from las file. More...
class  uiLASSurvInfoProvider
class  uiLASWriter
class  uiLogDisplayGrp
class  uiMarkerDlg
 Dialog for marker specifications. More...
class  uiMarkerViewDlg
 Dialog for Viewing the markers for a well. More...
class  uiMnemonicSettings
class  uiMultiWellDispPropDlg
 Multi Well display properties dialog box. More...
class  uiMultiWellLogSel
class  uiMultiWellSel
class  uiNewWellDlg
class  uiODWellDisplayServer
class  uiODWellLogToolWinGrp
class  uiODWellWriteOpts
class  uiSetD2TFromOtherWell
class  uiSimpleMultiWellCreate
class  uiWell2RandomLineDlg
 : setup a dialog where the user can select throught which wells (s)he wants to make a random line path. Get coordinates from selected wells and send an event to allow the display of a fake random line on top of the survey; user can still modify choices, apply again and finally close the dlg. More...
class  uiWellDahDisplay
 Well depth/distance along hole display. More...
class  uiWellDefMnemLogDlg
class  uiWellDispCtrlEditMarkerDlg
class  uiWellDisplay
 Well display. More...
class  uiWellDisplayControl
class  uiWellDisplayServer
class  uiWellDisplayWin
 Main window to display wells. More...
class  uiWellDispPropDlg
 Well display properties dialog box. More...
class  uiWellDispProperties
 Well display properties. More...
class  uiWellExportFacility
class  uiWellExtractParams
class  uiWellFilterGrp
class  uiWellImportAsc
 Dialog for well import from Ascii. More...
class  uiWellInserter
class  uiWellLogCalc
 Dialog for marker specifications. More...
class  uiWellLogDispDlg
 Non-modal dialog displaying a maximum of two Well logs. More...
class  uiWellLogDisplay
 Displays maximum two Well logs. More...
class  uiWellLogDispProperties
 Well Log display properties. More...
class  uiWellLogEditor
class  uiWellLogMnemDlg
class  uiWellLogToolWin
class  uiWellLogToolWinGrp
class  uiWellLogToolWinMgr
class  uiWellLogUOMDlg
class  uiWellMan
class  uiWellMarkersDispProperties
 Well Markers display properties. More...
class  uiWellMarkersDlg
 Select a list of markers from the well database. More...
class  uiWellMarkerSel
 Select one or two markers (i.e. a range) More...
class  uiWellMgrInfoDlg
 Dialog to show information on Well Manager. More...
class  uiWellParSel
class  uiWellPartServer
 Part Server for Wells. More...
class  uiWellPosProvGroup
 UI for WellPosProvider. More...
class  uiWellPropSel
class  uiWellSel
class  uiWellSelGrp
class  uiWellSinglePropSel
class  uiWellStratDisplay
class  uiWellT2DTransform
class  uiWellTrackDispProperties
 Well Track display properties. More...
class  uiWellTrackDlg
 Dialog for Well track editing. More...
class  uiWellZRangeSelector
class  uiZRangeSelect
class  WellLogToolData
class  WellStratUnitGen
 creates a display of stratigraphy IF levels are linked to markers. More...

Detailed Description

Well User Interface

Apart from nice visualization, import and management of well data must be done. The uiWellPartServer delivers the services needed.

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024