OpendTect-6_4  6.4


class  ValueSeriesInterpolator< T >
class  A2DBitMapInpData
 Array2D<float>& + statistics. More...
class  A2DBitMapPosSetup
 Array2D Bitmap generation setup. More...
class  A2DBitMapGenerator
 Generates Array2D bitmap from Array2D<float>. More...
class  WVAA2DBitMapGenerator
 Common parameters for A2DBitMapGenerators. More...
class  VDA2DBitMapGenerator
 Variable density A2DBitMap generation parameters. More...
class  Array2DFilterer< T >
 Filters an Array2D. More...
class  Array2DFunc< RT, PT, T >
 Adaptor to make an Array2D behave like a MathXYFunction. Will do linear interpolation at the edges, and polynomial interpolation inside. More...
class  Array2DReSampler< T, TT >
 Fills an Array2D from another Array2D of another size. Usage: More...
class  Array2DSubSelection< T >
 Makes a subselection of an Array2D cube. More...
class  Array3DSubSelection< T >
class  BaseMapObject
class  BaseMap
class  BaseMapMarkers
class  BasicComponentInfo
 Info on one component. More...
class  Batch::JobSpec
 the data we need to specify an OD batch job. More...
class  Batch::JobDispatcher
 Base class (with factory) for methods to kick-off an OD batch job. More...
class  Batch::SingleJobDispatcher
 kicks off OD batch jobs in a single process. More...
class  visBeachBall::BallProperties
 basic properties of the ball More...
class  visBeachBall::BallDynamics
 dynamic properties of the ball More...
class  BIDValSetArrAdapter
 an adapter between Array2D and a BinIDValueSet More...
class  BinIDValueSet
 A Pos::IdxPairValueSet with BinIDs. More...
class  BitMap2RGB
 Draws bitmaps on RGBArray according to FlatView specs. Assumes bitmaps are 100% aligned with array, only sizes may differ. More...
class  BitMapMgr
 Manages bitmaps. More...
class  BitMapGenTask
 Bitmap generation Task. More...
class  CBVSInfo
 Data available in CBVS format header and trailer. More...
class  CBVSIO
 Base class for CBVS reader and writer. More...
class  CBVSIOMgr
 Base class for CBVS read and write manager. More...
class  CBVSIOMgr::AuxInlInf
class  CBVSReader
 Reader for CBVS format. More...
class  CBVSReadMgr
 Manager for reading CBVS file-packs. More...
class  VBrickSpec
 Vertical bricking specification. More...
class  CBVSWriteMgr
 Writer for CBVS file packs. More...
class  CBVSWriter
 Writer for CBVS format. More...
class  WeightedClassCounter< T >
 Finds out which class is the best from a series of weighted data points. More...
class  ColTab::IndexedLookUpTable
 Looks up color for certain value. Keeps a pre-calc list of colors. More...
class  ColTab::MapperSetup
 Setup class for colortable Mapper. More...
class  ColTab::Mapper
 Maps data values to colortable positions: [0,1]. More...
class  ColTab::MapperTask< T >
 Takes a Mapper, unmapped data and maps it. More...
class  ColTab::Sequence
 Maps from [0,1] -> Color. More...
class  ColTab::SeqMgr
 Manages Sequences; reads/writes system or user-defined. More...
class  Conn
 Data connection. More...
class  XConn
 Connection implemented in terms of another Conn object. More...
class  ConvMemValueSeries< T >
class  IOObjSelConstraints
 Holds constraints on IOObj selection. More...
class  IOObjContext
 Holds the context for selecting and/or creating IOObjs. More...
class  CtxtIOObj
 Holds an IOObjCtxt plus a pointer to an IOObj and/or an IOPar. More...
class  DataBuffer
 Raw data array with memory management. More...
class  DataCharacteristics
 byte-level data characteristics of stored data. More...
class  DataColDef
 Column definition in tabular data sets. More...
class  DataType
 Data type. More...
class  DataTypeImpl< T >
 DataType implementation. More...
class  DataInpSpec
 Specification of input characteristics. More...
class  NumInpSpec< T >
 Specifications for numerical inputs that may or may not have limits. More...
class  NumInpIntervalSpec< T >
 Specifications for numerical intervals. More...
class  StringInpSpec
 Specifications for character string inputs. More...
class  FileNameInpSpec
 Specifications for file-name inputs. More...
class  BoolInpSpec
 Specifications for boolean inputs. More...
class  StringListInpSpec
 Specifications for list of character string inputs. More...
class  PositionInpSpec
 Specifications for BinID/Coordinate/TrcNrs and offsets. More...
class  PointDataPack
 DataPack for point data. More...
class  FlatDataPack
 DataPack for flat data. More...
class  MapDataPack
 DataPack for 2D data to be plotted on a Map. More...
class  VolumeDataPack
 DataPack for volume data, where the dims correspond to inl/crl/z . More...
class  SeisDataPack
 DataPack for volume data. Should be renamed to VolumeDataPack later. More...
class  DataPointSet
 Set of data points with group selection. More...
class  DataPointSet::DataRow
 Data point with group. Group 0 means 'inactive', it can never be selected. More...
class  DataPointSet::Pos
 Real Coord3D-position storable in BinIDValueSet + trc nr. More...
class  DPSFromVolumeFiller
 Fills DataPointSet with data from a VolumeDataPack. More...
class  DisplayLinkManager
class  DisplayPropertyHolder
class  DisplayPropertyLink
class  DataPointSetDisplayProp
 Interface for DataPointSet Displays. More...
class  DataPointSetDisplayMgr
 DataPointSet display manager. More...
class  Alignment
class  MarkerStyle2D
class  MarkerStyle3D
class  OD::LineStyle
class  FillPattern
class  ArrowHeadStyle
class  ArrowStyle
class  PlotAnnotation
class  ElasticFormula
 Elastic formula def to generate elastic layers. More...
class  ElasticFormulaRepository
 ElasticFormula repository. More...
class  ElasticPropertyRef
 Elastic property reference data. More...
class  ElasticPropSelection
 User parameters to compute values for an elastic layer (den,p/s-waves). More...
class  ElasticPropGen
 Computes elastic properties using parameters in ElasticPropSelection and PropertyRefSelection. More...
class  ElasticPropGuess
 Guesses elastic properties using parameters in ElasticPropSelection and PropertyRefSelection. More...
class  ElasticPropSelectionTranslatorGroup
class  ElasticPropSelectionTranslator
class  odElasticPropSelectionTranslator
class  FlatView::Sower
 Class to sow/select points with mouse. More...
class  FlatView::AuxDataEditor
 Editor for FlatView::AuxData. Allows the end-user to click-drag-release the points in data. Users of the class have the choice if the editor should do the changes for them, or if they want to do changes themself, driven by the callback. More...
class  FlatPosData
 Positioning of flat 'bulk' data. Only the 'x1' axis can be irregular. More...
class  FlatView::AuxData::EditPermissions
 Explains what part of an AuxData's appearance may be edited by the user. More...
class  FlatView::AuxData
 Class that represents non-bitmap data to be displayed in a flatviewer, such as markers, lines and more. More...
class  FlatView::Annotation
 Annotation data for flatviewers. More...
class  FlatView::DataDispPars::Common
 Common to VD and WVA. More...
class  FlatView::DataDispPars::VD
 Variable Density (=color-bar driven) parameters. More...
class  FlatView::DataDispPars::WVA
 Wiggle/Variable Area parameters. More...
class  FlatView::DataDispPars
 Data display parameters. More...
class  FlatView::Appearance
 Flatviewer appearance. More...
class  FlatView::Viewer
 Flat Viewer using FlatView::Data and FlatView::Appearance. More...
class  FontData
 Data needed to make an actual font. More...
class  Geom2dAscIO
 Ascii I/O for 2D Geometry. More...
class  Survey::GeometryWriter2D
 2D GeometryWriter. More...
class  Survey::GeometryWriter3D
 3D GeometryWriter. More...
class  Survey::GeometryReader2D
 2D GeometryReader. More...
class  Survey::GeometryReader3D
 3D GeometryReader. More...
class  ODGoogle::XMLWriter
 XML Writer. More...
class  Grid2D
 Represents a grid of 2D lines in an Inl-Crl plane. More...
class  Grid2D::Line
 Line in an Inl-Crl plane. More...
class  HelpProvider
class  HelpKey
class  IbmFormat
 IBM Format. More...
class  IODir
class  IODirEntry
 needed for manipulation. Used by user interface IOObj management. More...
class  IODirEntryList
 list of dir entries. More...
class  IOMan
 manages the 'Meta-'data store for the IOObj's. This info is read from the .omf files. More...
class  IOMan::CustomDirData
class  IOObjProducer
class  IOObj
class  IOObjSelectionTranslatorGroup
class  IOObjSelectionTranslator
class  odIOObjSelectionTranslator
class  IOStream
class  IOX
class  KeyboardEvent
 Keyboard event. More...
class  KeyboardEventHandler
 Handles KeyboardEvent. More...
class  LineKey
 Key for a line in a line set. More...
class  GeomIDProvider
 Class providing a current line key. More...
class  PosInfo::LineSet2DData
 Position info for a set of 2D lines. More...
class  Math::Expression
 Parsed Math expression. More...
class  Math::ExpressionParser
 Parses a string with a mathematical expression. More...
class  Math::ExpressionOperatorDesc
 Expression desc to build UI. More...
class  Math::ExpressionOperatorDescGroup
 Group of similar expression descs. More...
class  RockPhysics::Formula::ConstDef
class  RockPhysics::Formula::VarDef
class  Math::Formula
 Math formula: (expression, inputs, units, calculation, storage). More...
class  MathFormulaTranslatorGroup
class  MathFormulaTranslator
class  odMathFormulaTranslator
class  MathProperty
 Calculated property. More...
class  Math::SpecVar
 Special variables for Math Formulae/Expressions. More...
class  Math::SpecVarSet
 Set of special variables for Math Formulae/Expressions. More...
class  MenuItemHolder
class  MenuItem
class  SeparatorItem
class  MenuHandler
class  MenuItemHandler
class  MouseCursor
 Definition of a mouse cursor, can be either a predefined shape (from the enum, or a file.) More...
class  MouseCursorManager
 Sets another cursor for current application. More...
class  MouseCursorChanger
 Class to automatically change cursor, and change it back automatically when class is running out of scope. More...
class  TabletInfo
class  MouseEvent
class  MouseEventHandler
class  MouseCursorExchange
class  MouseCursorExchange::Info
class  GestureEvent
 Stores event information from gesture event. More...
class  GestureEventHandler
 Handles gesture event and triggers notifier with GestureEventInfo. More...
class  MultiDimStorage< T >
class  OD::IconFile
class  Pick::Location
 Pick location in space,. More...
class  PickRetriever
class  Pick::Set
 Set of picks with something in common. More...
class  Pick::List
 ObjectSet of Pick::Location's. Does not manage. More...
class  PickSetAscIO
class  Pick::SetMgr
 Utility to manage pick set lifecycles. Also supports change notifications. More...
class  PosAuxInfo
 Auxiliray data possibly needed at location. Mostly a seismic thing. More...
class  PosAuxInfoSelection
 Selection of aux info at location. Note that BinID is always selected. More...
class  Pos::IdxPairDataSet
 A sorted set of IdxPairs and associated data buffer. More...
class  Pos::IdxPairValueSet
 A sorted set of IdxPairs and associated values. More...
class  PosImpExpPars
class  PosInfo::CrdBidOffs
 Just hold inl, crl, x, y and offs. For 2D, crl=nr. More...
class  PosInfo::Detector
 Determines many geometry parameters from a series of Coords with corresponding BinID or trace numbers and offsets if prestack. More...
class  PosVecDataSet
 Data set consisting of data vectors. More...
class  PreLoadsTranslatorGroup
class  PreLoadsTranslator
class  dgbPreLoadsTranslator
class  PreLoadSurfacesTranslatorGroup
class  PreLoadSurfacesTranslator
class  dgbPreLoadSurfacesTranslator
class  Property
 A (usually petrophysical) property of some object. More...
class  Property::EvalOpts
class  PropertySet
class  ValueProperty
 Simple, single-value property. More...
class  RangeProperty
 Range of values. pos_ is usually in [0,1]. More...
class  PropertyRef
 Ref Data for a (usually petrophysical) property. More...
class  PropertyRefSet
class  PropertyRefSelection
class  PosProvidersTranslatorGroup
class  PosProvidersTranslator
class  dgbPosProvidersTranslator
class  Pos::RangeProvider3D
 3D provider based on TrcKeyZSampling More...
class  Pos::RangeProvider2D
 2D provider based on StepInterval<int>. More...
class  RawDataArray
 Raw binary data access. More...
class  RayTracerRunner
class  RockPhysics::Formula
class  RockPhysics::FormulaSet
class  Strat::Level
 Stratigraphic level. More...
class  Strat::LevelSet
 Set of Stratigraphic levels. More...
class  StreamConn
 Connection with an underlying iostream. More...
class  SurfaceInfo
 Surface info name/attribname with an ID (usually the EM-ID). More...
class  SurvGeom2DTranslatorGroup
class  SurvGeom2DTranslator
class  dgbSurvGeom2DTranslator
class  Table::AscIO
 Ascii I/O using Format Description. More...
class  Table::FileFormatRepository
 Holds system- and user-defined formats for different data types ('groups') More...
class  Table::ImportHandler
class  Table::ExportHandler
class  Table::Converter
class  Table::WSImportHandler
class  Table::CSVImportHandler
class  Table::WSExportHandler
class  Table::CSVExportHandler
class  Table::SQLInsertExportHandler
class  Table::StartStopManipulator
 Removes lines at start or stop of input. More...
class  Table::RecordMatcher
 Only passes records where col(s) (don't) match expression(s) More...
class  Table::DuplicateKeyRemover
 Removes records with identical keys. More...
class  Table::TargetInfo
 Description of a Logical piece of information. More...
class  Table::FormatDesc
 description of input our output data content More...
class  TraceData
 A set of data buffers and their interpreters. More...
class  TranslatorGroup
 Group of Translators. Has a static factory. More...
class  Translator
 I/O Interpreter class for a certain object type. More...
class  UnitOfMeasure
 Unit of Measure. More...
class  UnitOfMeasureRepository
 Repository of all Units of Measure in the system. More...
class  UserAction
class  UserAction::Setup
class  UserActionGroup
class  UserActionHandler
class  UserInputObj
class  UserInputObjImpl< T >
class  HorVariogramComputer
class  VertVariogramComputer
class  ZAxisTransformPointGenerator
 Generates a DataPointSet with untransformed z-values corresponding to each BinID and z-value of a specified TrcKeyZSampling. More...
class  ZipArchiveInfo
 Gives information of zip archives. More...
class  ZipFileInfo
 Zip file information. More...
class  ZipHandler
 Handles zipping and unzipping of files. More...
class  ZipUtils
 Zip Utilities. More...
class  Zipper
 It is an Executor class which compresses files into zip format but user should not use it directly instead use ZipUtils::makeZip. More...
class  UnZipper
 It is an Executor class which uncompresses files of zip format but user should instead use ZipUtils::UnZipArchive() to unzip complete archive or ZipUtils::UnZipFile() to take one file out of zip archive. More...

Detailed Description


This module uses the services from the Basic module and adds services that are (in general) more or less OpendTect specific. Just like the Basic module the services are used by all other modules.


Some of the groups of services are:

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019