OpendTect-6_4  6.4


class  AttributeSetCreator
 Creates attribute set. More...
class  uiAttr2DSelDlg
 Selection dialog for 2D attributes. More...
class  EvalParam
 Description of attribute parameters to evaluate. More...
class  uiAttrDescEdCreater
 Attribute description editor creator. More...
class  uiAttrDescEd
 Attribute description editor. More...
class  uiAttribDescSetEd
 Editor for Attribute sets. More...
class  uiGetFileForAttrSet
class  uiImpAttrSet
class  uiAttribCrossPlot
class  uiAttributeFactory
class  uiAttribPanel
 Attribute preview in a 2d viewer. More...
class  uiAttribPartServer
 Service provider for application level - Attributes. More...
class  uiAttribDescSetBuild
class  uiAttribDescSetBuild::Setup
class  uiSingleAttribEd
 Dialog for creating volume output. More...
class  uiAttrInpDlg
class  uiAttrSelData
 User interface for attribute selection data. More...
class  uiAttrSelDlg
 User Interface (UI) element for selection of Attributes from an attribute set. More...
class  uiAttrSelDlg::Setup
class  uiAttrSel
 User interface element for storing attribute desc selection. More...
class  uiImagAttrSel
 User interface element for getting attribute with both real and imaginary part. More...
class  uiAttrSetMan
 AttributeSet Manager. More...
class  uiAttrSrchProcFiles
class  uiAttrTypeSel
 Selector for attribute type. More...
class  uiAttrVolOut
 Dialog for creating volume output. More...
class  uiAutoAttrSelDlg
 Class for selecting Auto-load Attribute Set. More...
class  uiAutoAttrSetOpen
class  uiCoherencyAttrib
 Coherency attribute description editor. More...
class  uiConvolveAttrib
 Convolve Attribute description editor. More...
class  uiCrossAttrEvaluateDlg
class  uiDeltaResampleAttrib
 DeltaResample Attribute description editor. More...
class  uiDipFilterAttrib
 DipFilter Attribute description editor. More...
class  uiEnergyAttrib
 Energy Attribute ui. More...
class  AttribParamGroup
class  uiEvaluateDlg
class  uiEventAttrib
 Event Attributes description editor. More...
class  uiFingerPrintAttrib
 FingerPrint Attribute description editor. More...
class  calcFingParsObject
 FingerPrint Attribute parameters calculator. More...
class  uiFreqFilterAttrib
 ** Attribute description editor More...
class  uiFrequencyAttrib
 Frequency Attribute description editor. More...
class  uiGainAnalysisDlg
class  uiGapDeconAttrib
 GapDecon Attribute description editor. More...
class  GapDeconACorrView
 GapDecon Attribute autocorrelation preview in a 2d viewer. More...
class  uiInstantaneousAttrib
 Instantaneous Attribute description editor. More...
class  uiMatchDeltaAttrib
 MatchDelta Attribute description editor. More...
class  uiMathAttrib
 Math Attribute description editor. More...
class  uiMultOutSel
 Dialog used to determine which outputs of an attribute will be computed at once and stored as multiple components when creating a volume output. More...
class  uiMultiAttribSel
class  uiPositionAttrib
 Position Attribute description editor. More...
class  uiPreStackAttrib
 PreStack Attribute ui. More...
class  uiReferenceAttrib
 Reference Attribute description editor. More...
class  uiReliefAttrib
 Pseudo Relief Attribute description editor. More...
class  uiRGBAttrSelDlg
class  uiSampleValueAttrib
 SampleValue Attribute description editor. More...
class  uiScalingAttrib
 Scaling Attribute description editor. More...
class  uiSemblanceAttrib
 Semblance Attribute description editor. More...
class  uiSetPickDirs
class  uiShiftAttrib
 Shift Attribute description editor. More...
class  uiSimilarityAttrib
 Similarity Attribute description editor. More...
class  uiSimilarityAttrib::uiSimiSteeringSel
class  uiSpecDecompAttrib
 Spectral Decomposition Attribute description editor. More...
class  uiSpecDecompPanel
class  uiSteerAttrSel
class  uiSteeringSel
 Attribute Steering ui element: data + selection of type. More...
class  uiStoredAttribReplacer
class  uiVolumeStatisticsAttrib
 VolumeStatistics Attribute description editor. More...

Detailed Description

Attribute User Interface

The main thing here is handling the attribute set editor. Other services of the uiAttribPartServer are selection and volume output.

The Attribute set editor is a pretty complex piece of user interface. The left and top part of the window are fixed. They handle the 'common' things in attribute set editing. The right part is defined via the uiAttribFactory .

The problem that was facing us was that we needed a user interface that could be dynamically extended. Further more,much of the needed functionality is common to all attributes. Thus, we defined:

The uiAttrDescEd itself already has a lot of implemented functionality, leaving only things specific for that particular attribute to be defined. Once such a subclass is fully defined, a uiAttrDescEdCreater instance must be added to the factory to make it active.

To see how such a new attribute can be created aswell as a user interface for it, take a look at the uiTut seismic 'attribute style' example.

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019