OpendTect-6_4  6.4
Classes | Macros | Functions


class  i_uiLayoutItem
 Wrapper around QLayoutItem class. Stores some dGB specific layout info. More...
class  ODQtObjectSet< OD, QT >
class  uiActionSeparString
class  uiActionContainer
class  CmdRecStopper
class  uiBodyImpl< C, T >
 Simple delegating implementation of uiBody. More...
class  uiPushButton
 is the base class for all buttons. More...
class  uiRadioButton
class  uiCheckBox
class  uiButtonMessenger
 Button Abstract Base class. More...
class  uiButtonGroup
class  uiClipboard
class  uiColorInput
 small element for color selection. Has no text label. More...
class  uiComboBox
 Combo box. More...
class  uiLabeledComboBox
class  uiCalendar
class  uiDateSel
class  uiDesktopServices
class  uiDial
class  uiDialExtra
class  uiDialExtra::Setup
class  uiDialog
class  uiDialog::Setup
 description of properties of dialog. More...
class  uiEventFilter
 is a class that is able to recieve events from Qt and trigger an OD-style notification/callback. More...
class  uiFileDialog
 Dialog to get a file or directory name from user. More...
class  uiFont
class  uiFontList
class  uiSize
class  uiRect
class  uiBorder
class  uiColTabItem
class  uiColTabItem::Setup
class  uiGraphicsItemSet
class  uiGraphicsItemGroup
class  uiObjectItem
class  uiEllipseItem
class  uiCircleItem
class  uiLineItem
class  uiDynamicImageItem
class  uiPixmapItem
class  uiPolygonItem
class  uiPolyLineItem
class  uiMultiColorPolyLineItem
class  uiRectItem
class  uiTextItem
class  uiAdvancedTextItem
class  uiMarkerItem
class  uiPointItem
class  uiArrowItem
class  uiCurvedItem
class  uiCurvedItem::SplineSpec
class  uiCurvedItem::ArcSpec
class  uiGraphicsScene
class  uiGraphicsObjectScene
class  uiGraphicsSceneChanger
class  uiGraphicsViewBase
class  uiGroup
class  SimpleHelpProvider
 A simple HelpProvider that can be extended to create a HelpProvider for third party plug-ins. You need a urlbase string which can refer to a web URL (starting with "http://") or a local file path (starting with "file:///"). For linking the individual HelpKeys, you can either add links for specific keys using the function: More...
class  FlareHelpProvider
class  DevDocHelp
class  WebsiteHelp
class  uiLabel
class  uiConstraint
class  uiIntValidator
class  uiFloatValidator
class  uiLineEdit
class  uiListBox
 List Box. More...
class  uiListBox::Setup
class  uiLabeledListBox
 uiLabeledListBox. Deprecated. Don't use in new code More...
class  uiMain
class  uiMainWin
 User interface main window. More...
class  uiMainWin::Setup
class  uiMdiArea
class  uiMenu
class  uiMouseEventBlockerByGestures
class  uiMsg
class  uiMsgMainWinSetter
 Sets the uiMSG's main window temporary during the scope of the object. More...
class  uiUserShowWait
 tells user something is happening. More...
class  uiObject
 The base class for most UI elements. More...
class  uiObjBodyImpl< C, T >
 Default (Template) implementation of uiObjectBody. More...
class  uiObjectStack
class  uiParent
class  uiParentBody
class  uiPixmap
 Off-screen pixel-based paint device. More...
class  uiProgressBar
class  uiRGBImageLoader
class  uiSeparator
class  uiKeyDesc
class  uiShortcutsList
class  uiShortcutsMgr
class  uiExtraIntKeyDesc
class  uiSliderObj
class  uiSlider
class  uiSlider::Setup
class  uiSpinBox
class  uiLabeledSpinBox
class  uiSplitter
 Provides a splitter object. More...
class  uiStatusBar
class  uiSystemTrayIcon
class  uiTabBar
 TabBar widget only. Normally you'd want to use the uiTabStack class. More...
class  uiTab
class  uiTable
class  uiTable::SelectionRange
class  uiTable::Setup
class  uiTabStack
class  uiTextEditBase
class  uiTextEdit
class  uiTextBrowser
class  uiToolBar
class  uiToolButton
class  uiToolButtonSetup
class  uiTreeView
class  uiTreeViewItem
class  uiTreeViewItem::Setup
class  uiTreeViewItemIterator
class  uiVirtualKeyboard


#define mBlockCmdRec   CmdRecStopper cmdrecstopper(this);


 mFDQtclass (QWidget) class uiBody
mODTextTranslationClass(uiColorInput) public uiColorInput::uiColorInput (uiParent *, const Setup &, const char *nm=0)
 mFDQtclass (QIcon) class uiIcon
 Manager for icons of different sizes. More...
 mFDQtclass (QMouseEvent) mFDQtclass(QRubberBand) mFDQtclass(QWidget) class uiRubberBand
 mFDQtclass (QSplashScreen) class uiSplashScreen

Detailed Description


This module is a set of cooperating classes that enable creating User Interfaces. This layer on top of the already wonderful Qt package was created because of the following problems:

Therefore, as with most external libraries, we chose to make a new layer to combine the power of Qt with the flexibility of more generalised design principles.


The basic principles are:

The Qt window painting facilities are only used for quick sketching, the code generation capacity is not used. Example:

IntInpSpec spec( lastnrclasses );
spec.setLimits( Interval<int>( 0, 100 ) );
nrclassfld = new uiGenInput( this, "Number of classes", spec );

FloatInpSpec inpspec( lastratiotst*100 );
inpspec.setLimits( Interval<float>( 0, 100 ) );
perctstfld = new uiGenInput( this, "Percentage used for test set", inpspec );
perctstfld->attach( alignedBelow, nrclassfld );

defbut = new uiPushButton( this, "Default" );
defbut->activated.notify( mCB(this,ThisClass,setPercToDefault) );
defbut->attach( rightOf, perctstfld );

Note that all objects could have been made:


In the uiBase directory, you'll find classes that directly communicate with Qt to implement (parts of) this strategy. To keep the header files uncoupled from the Qt header files, there is a mechanism where the 'ui' class has a 'ui'-Body class that is a subclass of a Qt class.

Almost every 'visible' object is a uiObject. Besides the different subclasses, there is also the uiGroup which is just another uiObject. The windows holding these are (like uiObjects) uiBaseObject's. The uiMainWin is a subclass, and the ubiquitous uiDialog.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define mBlockCmdRec   CmdRecStopper cmdrecstopper(this);

<Triggers translation of object and all members to current language.

Function Documentation

mFDQtclass ( QWidget  )

can return 0

can return 0

mFDQtclass ( QMouseEvent  )
mFDQtclass ( QIcon  )

Manager for icons of different sizes.

Icons can be created from the identifier, see odiconfile.h. It is, basically, the file name without extension.

mFDQtclass ( QSplashScreen  )
mODTextTranslationClass (uiColorInput) public uiColorInput::uiColorInput ( uiParent ,
const Setup &  ,
const char *  nm = 0 

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019