OpendTect-6_4  6.4
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velocitycalc.h File Reference
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class  ValueSeries< T >
 Interface to a series of values. More...
class  TimeDepthModel
 Converts between time, depth and velocity given a model. The velocity model can be either RMO-velocities in time, or interval velocity in either depth or time. More...
class  TimeDepthConverter
 Converts between time and depth given a model. More...
class  MoveoutComputer
 Base class for computing a moveout curve. More...
class  RMOComputer
 Computes moveout in depth from RMO at a certain reference offset. More...
class  NormalMoveout
 Computes moveout with anisotropy, according to the equation by Alkhalifah and Tsvankin 1995. More...
class  Vrms2Vint
 Rms velocity to interval velocity conversion. More...
class  DixConversion
 Rms velocity to interval velocity conversion using the Dix formula. More...


bool computeDix (const float *Vrms, double t0, float v0, const double *t, int nrlayers, float *Vint)
bool mDeprecated computeDix (const float *Vrms, float t0, float v0, const float *t, int nrlayers, float *Vint)
bool computeDix (const float *Vrms, const SamplingData< double > &sd, int nrvels, float *Vint)
bool computeVrms (const float *Vint, const SamplingData< double > &sd, int nrvels, float *Vrms)
bool computeVrms (const float *Vint, double t0, const double *t, int nrlayers, float *Vrms)
bool mDeprecated computeVrms (const float *Vint, float t0, const float *t, int nrlayers, float *Vrms)
bool sampleVrms (const float *Vin, double t0_in, float v0_in, const double *t_in, int nr_in, const SamplingData< double > &sd_out, float *Vout, int nr_out)
bool mDeprecated sampleVrms (const float *Vin, float t0_in, float v0_in, const float *t_in, int nr_in, const SamplingData< double > &sd_out, float *Vout, int nr_out)
bool computeVavg (const float *Vint, const double *t, int nrvels, float *Vavg)
 Converts a number of layers with Vint to average velocities. More...
bool mDeprecated computeVavg (const float *Vint, float t0, const float *t, int nrvels, float *Vavg)
bool computeVint (const float *Vavg, const double *t, int nrvels, float *Vint)
 Converts a number of layers with Vavg to Vint velocities. More...
bool mDeprecated computeVint (const float *Vavg, float t0, const float *t, int nrvels, float *Vint)
bool sampleVint (const float *Vint, const double *t_in, int nr_in, const SamplingData< double > &sd_out, float *Vout, int nr_out)
bool mDeprecated sampleVint (const float *Vint, const float *t_in, int nr_in, const SamplingData< double > &sd_out, float *Vout, int nr_out)
bool sampleVavg (const float *Vavg, const double *t_in, int nr_in, const SamplingData< double > &sd_out, float *Vout, int nr_out)
bool mDeprecated sampleVavg (const float *Vavg, const float *t_in, int nr_in, const SamplingData< double > &sd_out, float *Vout, int nr_out)
void computeResidualMoveouts (float z0, float rmo, float refoffset, int nroffsets, bool outputdepth, const float *offsets, float *output)
bool fitLinearVelocity (const float *Vint, const float *z_in, int nr_in, const Interval< float > &zlayer, float reference_z, bool zisdepth, float &V_0, float &gradient, float &error)
void resampleZ (const double *zarr, const double *tord_in, int nr_in, const SamplingData< double > &sd_out, int nr_out, double *zsampled)
void mDeprecated resampleZ (const float *zarr, const float *tord_in, int nr_in, const SamplingData< double > &sd_out, int nr_out, float *zsampled)
void sampleEffectiveThomsenPars (const float *vinarr, const double *t_in, int nr_in, const SamplingData< double > &sd_out, int nr_out, float *voutarr)
void mDeprecated sampleEffectiveThomsenPars (const float *vinarr, const float *t_in, int nr_in, const SamplingData< double > &sd_out, int nr_out, float *voutarr)
void sampleIntvThomsenPars (const float *inarr, const double *t_in, int nr_in, const SamplingData< double > &sd_out, int nr_out, float *outarr)
void mDeprecated sampleIntvThomsenPars (const float *inarr, const float *t_in, int nr_in, const SamplingData< double > &sd_out, int nr_out, float *outarr)
void resampleContinuousData (const double *in, const double *t_in, int nr_in, const SamplingData< double > &sd_out, int nr_out, double *outarr)
void mDeprecated resampleContinuousData (const float *inarr, const float *t_in, int nr_in, const SamplingData< double > &sd_out, int nr_out, float *outarr)
bool computeLinearT2D (double v0, double dv, double v0depth, const SamplingData< float > &timesampling, int sz, float *res)
bool computeLinearD2T (double v0, double dv, double v0depth, const SamplingData< float > &depthsampling, int sz, float *res)
bool convertToVintIfNeeded (const float *inpvel, const VelocityDesc &veldesc, const StepInterval< float > &zrange, float *outvel)
SamplingData< double > getDoubleSamplingData (const SamplingData< float > &)

Function Documentation

bool computeDix ( const float *  Vrms,
double  t0,
float  v0,
const double *  t,
int  nrlayers,
float *  Vint 

Converts a number of layers with Vrms to interval velocities. Note that the times in t refers to the bottom of each layer, and t0 has the start time of the top layer.

bool mDeprecated computeDix ( const float *  Vrms,
float  t0,
float  v0,
const float *  t,
int  nrlayers,
float *  Vint 
bool computeDix ( const float *  Vrms,
const SamplingData< double > &  sd,
int  nrvels,
float *  Vint 

Converts a series of Vrms to Vint. Vrms may contain undefined values, as long as at least one is defined.

bool computeLinearD2T ( double  v0,
double  dv,
double  v0depth,
const SamplingData< float > &  depthsampling,
int  sz,
float *  res 

Compute time values for the depths in depthsampling, using v0 and dv. v0 is the interval velocity at depth v0depth. v0depth is also the depth at t=0.

bool computeLinearT2D ( double  v0,
double  dv,
double  v0depth,
const SamplingData< float > &  timesampling,
int  sz,
float *  res 

Compute depth values for the times in timesampling, using v0 and dv. v0 is the interval velocity at depth v0depth. v0depth is also the depth at t=0.

void computeResidualMoveouts ( float  z0,
float  rmo,
float  refoffset,
int  nroffsets,
bool  outputdepth,
const float *  offsets,
float *  output 

Given a residual moveout at a reference offset, comput the residual moveout at other offsets

bool computeVavg ( const float *  Vint,
const double *  t,
int  nrvels,
float *  Vavg 

Converts a number of layers with Vint to average velocities.

bool mDeprecated computeVavg ( const float *  Vint,
float  t0,
const float *  t,
int  nrvels,
float *  Vavg 
bool computeVint ( const float *  Vavg,
const double *  t,
int  nrvels,
float *  Vint 

Converts a number of layers with Vavg to Vint velocities.

bool mDeprecated computeVint ( const float *  Vavg,
float  t0,
const float *  t,
int  nrvels,
float *  Vint 
bool computeVrms ( const float *  Vint,
const SamplingData< double > &  sd,
int  nrvels,
float *  Vrms 

Be very careful when using this one: the input Vint has to be regularly sampled according to sd. In case not, use the next one.

bool computeVrms ( const float *  Vint,
double  t0,
const double *  t,
int  nrlayers,
float *  Vrms 

Converts a number of layers with Vint to rms velocities. Note that the times in t refers to the bottom of each layer, and t0 has the start time of the top layer.

bool mDeprecated computeVrms ( const float *  Vint,
float  t0,
const float *  t,
int  nrlayers,
float *  Vrms 
bool convertToVintIfNeeded ( const float *  inpvel,
const VelocityDesc veldesc,
const StepInterval< float > &  zrange,
float *  outvel 
bool fitLinearVelocity ( const float *  Vint,
const float *  z_in,
int  nr_in,
const Interval< float > &  zlayer,
float  reference_z,
bool  zisdepth,
float &  V_0,
float &  gradient,
float &  error 

Given a layered V_int model (in time or depth), compute the best fit for a V_int = V_0 + gradient * (z-reference_z). The fit is such that the time/depth pairs at the layer's boundary will be preserved.

SamplingData<double> getDoubleSamplingData ( const SamplingData< float > &  )
void resampleContinuousData ( const double *  in,
const double *  t_in,
int  nr_in,
const SamplingData< double > &  sd_out,
int  nr_out,
double *  outarr 
void mDeprecated resampleContinuousData ( const float *  inarr,
const float *  t_in,
int  nr_in,
const SamplingData< double > &  sd_out,
int  nr_out,
float *  outarr 
void resampleZ ( const double *  zarr,
const double *  tord_in,
int  nr_in,
const SamplingData< double > &  sd_out,
int  nr_out,
double *  zsampled 

Given an irregularly sampled depth or time array, create a regularly sampled one. The function assumes initial depth and time are 0. if zarr is time, tord_in is corresponding depth and other way round

void mDeprecated resampleZ ( const float *  zarr,
const float *  tord_in,
int  nr_in,
const SamplingData< double > &  sd_out,
int  nr_out,
float *  zsampled 
void sampleEffectiveThomsenPars ( const float *  vinarr,
const double *  t_in,
int  nr_in,
const SamplingData< double > &  sd_out,
int  nr_out,
float *  voutarr 

Given an irregularly sampled effective Thomsen parameter array, create a regularly sampled one. The function assumes constant value of the parameter before and after the input interval.

void mDeprecated sampleEffectiveThomsenPars ( const float *  vinarr,
const float *  t_in,
int  nr_in,
const SamplingData< double > &  sd_out,
int  nr_out,
float *  voutarr 
void sampleIntvThomsenPars ( const float *  inarr,
const double *  t_in,
int  nr_in,
const SamplingData< double > &  sd_out,
int  nr_out,
float *  outarr 

Given an irregularly sampled interval Thomsen parameter array, create a regularly sampled one. The function assumes constant value of the parameter before and after the input interval.

void mDeprecated sampleIntvThomsenPars ( const float *  inarr,
const float *  t_in,
int  nr_in,
const SamplingData< double > &  sd_out,
int  nr_out,
float *  outarr 
bool sampleVavg ( const float *  Vavg,
const double *  t_in,
int  nr_in,
const SamplingData< double > &  sd_out,
float *  Vout,
int  nr_out 

Given an irregularly sampled Vavg, create a regularly sampled one. The function assumes constant average velocity before and after the input interval.

bool mDeprecated sampleVavg ( const float *  Vavg,
const float *  t_in,
int  nr_in,
const SamplingData< double > &  sd_out,
float *  Vout,
int  nr_out 
bool sampleVint ( const float *  Vint,
const double *  t_in,
int  nr_in,
const SamplingData< double > &  sd_out,
float *  Vout,
int  nr_out 

Given an irregularly sampled Vint, create a regularly sampled one. The function assumes constant interval velocity before and after the input interval.

bool mDeprecated sampleVint ( const float *  Vint,
const float *  t_in,
int  nr_in,
const SamplingData< double > &  sd_out,
float *  Vout,
int  nr_out 
bool sampleVrms ( const float *  Vin,
double  t0_in,
float  v0_in,
const double *  t_in,
int  nr_in,
const SamplingData< double > &  sd_out,
float *  Vout,
int  nr_out 

Given an irregularly sampled Vrms, create a regularly sampled one. The function assumes constant interval velocity before and after the input interval.

bool mDeprecated sampleVrms ( const float *  Vin,
float  t0_in,
float  v0_in,
const float *  t_in,
int  nr_in,
const SamplingData< double > &  sd_out,
float *  Vout,
int  nr_out 

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019